Collaboration between Guardian Angel Haruki and Ghost Shadow -- Faye reached the nunnery, and she was directed to meet with Sister Charlotte. She walked up to Mark and Sister Charlotte and she started, getting the duo's attention, "Mr. Dufresne, Sister..." She was about to ask if they were going to continue selling candles, but she noticed that Henry was missing, and she asked instead "...Where's Mr. Carlyle?" Both Mark and Sister Charlotte looked up suddenly at the new voice that entered the conversation. "Dr. Stevenson." Mark greeted simply, though not impolitely. "A pleasure to see you, doctor." Sister Charlotte greeted in kind, though her head was cocked down, looking at her hands, which seemed to fidget somewhat nervously. "The man had a nervous breakdown, God knows why, and ran into the bathroom. We heard a slam from inside but nothing else." Mark answered her question neutrally, scratching the back of his head. "Might do best if you spoke to him." He suggested to Faye. "He was so upset..." Sister Charlotte added sympathetically, appearing quite downtrodden. "He just...[i]looked[/i] at me and ran." She finished sadly. Worry appeared on Faye's face as she listened carefully to the answers Mark and Sister Charlotte. Was it possible that Sister Charlotte reminded Henry of someone or something...?After Mark made his suggestion, Faye answered "I see. I'll try and speak with him. Please, excuse me," Both Mark and Sister Charlotte nodded at Faye, though didn't stay put for long; following closely behind Faye to see if she could get through to Henry. She then turned and headed for the bathroom where Henry may have locked himself in. She knocked on the door and called "Henry?" There was silence for a few moments, but a bit of shuffling from inside signaled Henry was [i]indeed[/i] there. "Let me be..." He said sorrowfully from inside, not knowing or caring who was out there at the moment. The key around his neck became that much heavier from the realization that Alice was alive: it was his burden, his weight, and he chose to carry it alone. Faye heard him clearly and she tried to speak with him again, despite his sorrowful request, "Henry, it's me, Faye. What's wrong? What happened?" "You wouldn't believe me if I told you..." Henry said quietly, making no move to unlock the door. "It's..." He stopped, shuddering reflexively as he tried desperately to regain his composure. "It's my past, come to haunt me; no matter how far I run from it." He finished before turning silent once again. "What on earth's he talking about?" Mark asked, obviously confused. Sister Charlotte said nothing, simply standing there guiltily. Faye listened to what Henry said about his past coming back to haunt him. She looked to Mark, giving him a look that said she had a good idea what he was talking about, but she would have to tell him later. She then looked back to the door, and placed her hand on it, as though the door could be an extension of Henry's hand. She said to him "Henry...Running away from the past isn't going to make anything better," "It's all I've ever done." Henry replied somberly from the bathroom. And he was right - even in the Enchanted Forest, all he did was run: it was his nature. Mark sighed deeply at the conversation, putting his hands in his coat pockets. He gave Sister Charlotte a look that seemed to say, [i]"I'm sorry about this..."[/i]. The nun, however, seemed to feel too responsible to notice, shifting her eyes to avoid making contact with the fireman. Faye ignored Mark and Charlotte as she retorted "That doesn't mean that you have to keep running away. You can still confront whatever is haunting you from your past," "Not if the past is dead." Henry said cryptically. How else could he say it? That the nun who was standing just behind Faye was his sister who was beheaded in Wonderland by the Queen of Hearts for [i]his[/i] insolence? Oh how he wished to share with her...but she wouldn't believe - she couldn't. Faye answered "It doesn't matter if the past is dead or not if it's still haunting you like this," She then said "You don't have to confront it alone, Henry. I'd help you in any way I can. But I can't if you keep shutting me out like this," There was only silence, then a bit more shuffling from inside. A small [i]click[/i] came from the door handle. The door opened slowly with a long [i]creeeaak[/i]. Henry stepped out of the bathroom slowly, his face still reddened from his breakdown; his injured hand perhaps even redder, blood slowly seeping from the open wounds on his knuckles. He kept his eyes locked on Faye, afraid that even [i]looking[/i] at Alice would incur another bout of tears. Faye blinked when she heard the small click, she took her hand off of the door, and stepped back, allowing Henry to come out of the bathroom. She made eye contact with him, and she saw the sadness and fear within his eyes. She then saw his injured hand that was still bleeding. She lifted the injured hand, gently so as to not hurt Henry. She mumbled sadly "Oh Henry..." She then said to him gently and with care, "Come on. Let's get that hand treated, alright?" She started to lead him away from Sister Charlotte, figuring that he may cry again if he looked at her. " time for that. I have to...I have to talk to Mr. Gold - now." Henry objected calmly, seeming to ignore his hand for the time being. Mark, on the other hand, decided now would be the best time to leave the two of them alone and took Sister Charlotte by the hand gently, leading her away from them. Faye stopped trying to lead Henry away, thanks to the fact that Mr. Dufresne and Sister Charlotte left the room. She asked Henry with confusion evident in her voice, "Mr. Gold? Why would you want to talk to him?" "My past." Henry replied bluntly, though not unkindly. "He knows...things...things I so do wish I could tell you, Faye. All I can tell you, though, is that I need to talk to him - [i]soon[/i]." Henry finished, placing both hands firmly on her shoulders. Faye raised her eyebrows at his answer and she asked him as her objection, "But Henry, this is your first time in Storybrooke. How would Mr. Gold even know about your past?" Henry sighed, thinking of how to go about this. "Remember when I told you to trust me?" Without waiting for an answer, he continued. "I'm not exactly a....[i]new[/i]comer. More of a [i]late[/i]comer. Mr. Gold and I have...spoken before, made a few deals. I was supposed to come here five years ago - but I waited..half to circumstance, half to not *wishing* to come here. He knows things about me and I know things about him. You just have to trust you trust me, Faye?" He asked her seriously, looking her dead in the eyes. Faye listened to Henry's explanation. Her gut feeling told her that he was telling the truth, despite the fact that what he was saying made no sense whatsoever. She looked at him in the eyes and when he finished speaking, she answered seriously "Yes, I trust you," She then said "However, I still think that going to see Mr. Gold tonight, is a bad idea! A very, very bad idea," "Faye...I have to. I wish I didn't, but...we have 'business' to discuss." Henry replied, saying the word "business" with disgust in his voice. "But...we can both go home after that. I promise." He said reassuringly with a small smile, finally noticing his hands hadn't left her shoulders the entire time. He quickly moved them back to his sides with an embarassed look on his face, trying to mask it with an awkward grin. Faye sighed through her nose, and she answered "OK. Fine. But the moment things start to look bad, I'm intervening," "" Henry compromised, placing his uninjured hand into his coat pocket, his wounded one seeming to scream with pain at every movement. "Shall we go, then?" He asked her - his voice seemingly returning to normal. Faye nodded and said "Let's go," She then added sternly "And we're tending to that hand, like it or not!" "All in due time." Henry replied halfheartedly before heading towards the front doors of the nunnery, his maimed hand sticking out like a sore thumb. He stopped at the threshold of the door, turning back to see if Faye was following or not. Faye followed him to the front doors of the nunnery and she led the way out of the nunnery, walking past Henry when he stopped, and she walked past the circuit breaker. Henry followed behind quietly before abruptly stopping in his tracks, eyes wandering up to the power transformer that stuck out quite obviously on one of the nearby rooftops. "Wait..." He said, remembering Mr. Gold's words from just earlier that afternoon. [i]"I do hope you stick around long enough for the sun to go down. They say these lights make the evening that much more...magical."[/i] "That's it!" Henry exclaimed, quickly rushing to the ladder that escaladed up to the roof. Faye stopped when he said to wait and she looked to him, watching as he seemed to stare at the circuit breaker. She raised an eyebrow and she asked Henry in response to his outburst "What's it?" "Keep me covered! We're gonna sell those candles!" Henry said to Faye with confidence as he began climbing up the ladder, wincing every time his injured hand gripped the rungs. "Wait, what!? Henry!" She watched as he went up the ladder and she groaned "Oh no..." What was Henry up to?! She really hoped that he wasn't doing something incredibly reckless. He climbed his way to the top, scurrying until he managed to get on his feet. He scanned the rooftop for something, anything he could use; his eyes landing on a crowbar that was strewn absentmindedly onto the ground. Henry used his good hand to grab it, hoisting it up and getting a good grip with both hands. He stared menacingly at the fuse box for a moment before swinging the crowbar at it with great force, embedding the crowbar into the box. The power flickered furiously but remained on, causing Henry to growl as he yanked the crowbar out and swung at it once more, this time causing a blanket of darkness to come over the [i]entire[/i] town. He did. He really did do something reckless! Dr. Stevenson swore under her breath as she stood in the darkness. Her eyes adjusted quickly as she looked around. She was glad she had a back up source for electricity in the hospital, just in case a blackout had occurred. If she hadn't, then many patients' lives would've been at risk! She made sure to have a word about this to Henry ASAP. "Yes!" Henry exclaimed quietly as he moved to climb down the ladder, the crowd of people becoming somewhat frantic as they suddenly found themselves in complete darkness. Mark rushed out of the nunnery, followed closely behind by Sister Charlotte - both of them looking absolutely dumbfounded: if one could see their expressions. "What the hell...?" Mark swore, looking about blindly. Henry, (taking a few moments to let his eyes adjust to the dark), ran up to Mark with an almost manic grin. "Mark, I've done it! Get the candles! The nuns are going to make it!" He exclaimed frantically, clasping the older man on both shoulders and shaking him back and forth in excitement. Mark seemed to finally catch on to the idea, a wide grin crossing his face. Henry took this as a sign, and raised his voice substantially whilst calling out, "Everyone! We've got candles! Only five dollars apiece! Enough for everyone!" The crowds surprise and fear seemed to turn to elation as they hurried over to the nunnery, practically throwing their money at the nuns for candles. Faye found her way to Henry and she watched as people hurried over to buy the candles. Well, she had to admit Henry's method did work, but it still was a risky move, considering the hospital she was in charge of. Mark and Sister Charlotte both helped oversee the sale of candles. It was magnificent: whether a freak accident, a not-so-lawful but well-meaning citizen, or an act of God; loss of electricity suddenly made everyone *that* much more interested in purchasing candles. "We...we did it!" Sister Charlotte exclaimed excitedly, looking absolutely stupefied. "I have to, I have to go find Mother Superior. Oh, Mr. Dufresne: thank you for [i]everything[/i]!" She said happily, pulling him into yet-another hug before bounding off to find the head nun. Henry bounded over to Faye, wearing that same ecstatic grin on his face. He made a snap-decision in his head, and, without a moment's warning; grabbed her firmly by the shoulders and planted his lips on hers, eyes closing as he hoped this wouldn't result with him pepper-sprayed on the ground. Faye was about to speak to Henry when he suddenly grabbed her shoulders and kissed her. She widened her eyes in shock at first, but she didn't move to hit him, or push him away. She instead melted into the kiss, returning Henry's sentiment. Henry kept his lips on hers for as long as he possibly could (earning a slighly disgusted look from Mark in return) before slowly pulling away, his mouth forming a small smile as he looked at her. "I've wanted to do that for [i]so[/i] long." He said sincerely The doctor had to admit that she enjoyed the kiss, but she had covered her mouth and was blushing. She cleared her throat after Henry had made his sincere comment...what was she supposed to say after two people kissed?! She had no idea! She stuttered awkwardly "Uh...I-uh..." She ended up saying "We'll talk about the whole circuit breaker thing when we get back..." She silently shouted at herself after she said that, "[i]YOU IDIOT, FAYE![/i]" "Sure, we'll [i]talk[/i] about it." Henry responded, his tone hinting that he intending on doing anything [i]but[/i] talking. "But now--" He began, sounding almost disappointed. "I have to go talk to Mr. Gold...But I want to get home as soon as possible. I'll try and keep it short and--" He stopped before saying 'sweet' afterwards, taking a moment to think of a filler word. "Short and productive!" He settled on, kissing her on the forehead before turning to half-run, half-walk towards the pawn shop. Faye's blush reddened even more at Henry's response, but it quickly went away when he mentioned Mr. Gold. She had hoped he would've forgotten, but apparently he didn't. She raised an eyebrow when he replaced the word 'sweet' with 'productive'. She hurried after him, ignoring the kiss on the forehead because of the worry of what may happen at Mr. Gold's occupied her mind now.