The action was heavily escalating as the group mounted their counterattack. A flood of water rushed through from somewhere and struck the beast hard; Sazh's lightning bullets put a spin of electric charge to the water, sparking the water with pain. Someone yelled to try and knock the ceiling down on the creature. Some other man confidently strode up, put a gun to head and set it off with a blast of shattering light. Several other explosions rang out, and stalactites and other loose rubble came thundering down, crashing hard and pinning the wyvern. For a moment, that seemed to be it, and Sazh was already motioning for everyone to scuttle out while they had the upper hand. Then, from the sloshing waves of water, some emerged. Several somethings, in fact, that looked astonishingly like... Oh. This thing was a [i]she[/i]. The insuring roar and blast of fire mostly drowned out Sazh's panicked yells to "run!" An explosion of heat, fire, and rocks filled the cavern with molten rage, and Sazh was quick to duck and roll under the storm to avoid most of the flying debris. The heat was definitely on, now, in more ways than one. There was no way they were getting out of this one with any semblance of ease anymore. "Aw, no no no NO NO!" Sazh cried out in horror as the creature threw itself forward at impossible speeds, driving straight for the group of which Sazh was in the back of. He rapidly tried to slow the monster's progress by pelting it with paw spells of sonic winds, but with little avail. A yell from the the skeleton-rider seemed to catch the attention it was asking for, as he transformed himself into some far larger size to try and wrestle the beast head-on! What the hell was going through that thing's mind!? And what in the name of Ragnarok was the spiky-haired kid doing with those eggs? Saber's command to flee was far better heard than Sazh's. Some people seemed perfectly ready to oblige, but others were far more determined to keep fighting. Before Sazh could choose to depart, though, he noticed Saber refusing to move, apparently determined to face down the beast herself as some suicidal act. On some other ledge, too, Archer seemed to be doing his job, just as determined to distract the wyvern long enough for everyone to escape. "Hey, hang on, aren't you all coming with?" The pilot rapidly called out to Saber and Archer. He was not the kind of person prepared to leave anybody behind in the same room as an unstoppable force of nature, however able those fighters may be.