The hooded figure stood up and approached the table of adventurers. "Pardon me for impaling that man in the face, but idiots will be idiots." He glanced down at his bloody right gauntlet. "I understand that you are looking for a sword or spell for hire. Well-" He shook off his green cloak, revealing an elven body and face, but somehow more... graceful. A complete set of iron(?) armor covered his fragile yet strong body. A longsword that seemed to be emitting a faint greenish light hung by his waist. An emerald-hued shield was slung over his back, and a carefully-wrought iron helm adorned his head. "-I offer both." He turned to Katherin. "I hail from the Feywild. There is magic there that one cannot simply learn, and some kinds unable to even manifest in this world. There is more than meets the arcane eye, milady."