(Asthia is the dracon, Pyria is a half-dragon. This is confusing, I know. xD) She told him where her room was. "Some green tea would be nice. I'll be in my room. Don't take too long." Pyria still wasn't sure about Zmerr. He had worked at the academy for a while, but she hadn't seem him much, given their very different roles. She went to her room and changed out of her brown loincloth and top in favor of a much lighter set, made of bright pink silk. She got some tea servers out, along with a pot, tray, and cups, plus a bit of sugar and tongs. Then she lit some incense in a brazier, set out a pair of cushions on either end of her low, circular table, and, seeing as she still had some time, briefly applied some polish to her horns and claws, then sat down on the cushion, awaiting Zmerr.