Name: Lucinda, Witch of the Black Flame Age: Completely unknown, her complexion suggest hollowing at a younger age (around 30), but she gives no hint to how old she actually is. Gender: Female Appearance: [hider=Lucinda][IMG][/IMG][/hider] Lucinda does not look incredibly dangerous at first glance, at least not when you compare her to the many heavily armored, large weapon wielding adversaries inhabiting this dying land. She seems to be just a woman, cloaked in black. Though from a closer view you may see the burning in her eyes, and when the flames begin to spread it's very hard to dismiss her any longer. She stands just under six feet, with a thin form, though she carries her own whisper of power. Personality: Lucinda is like the fire she summons; dangerous with an elegant ferocity while calm, and overwhelming like an inferno when worked into a frenzy. She is rather aloof, and while revealing a great deal of her knowledge, reserves almost entirely any information about herself. She is a mysterious one, but a valuable ally all the same. And as an enemy Lucinda is something else entirely. You do not want to be her enemy. History: There is history somewhat written and variably spread about the Witch of the Black Flame. Lucinda is known for her peculiar talent when it comes to casting pyromancy and flame based sorceries. It is the unique color of certain flames she calls upon that caught attention, because few know of the Black Flame pyromancies, and even fewer can produce them. Some say she was taught by Quelana, daughter of the Witch of Izalith, yet most believe the last daughter faded from the world long ago. Even still, Lucinda's skill with pyromancy suggests there may be truth to that claim. Items: [hider=Black Ceremony Dagger][IMG][/IMG] A dagger with a thin, yet deadly blade. It was primarily used for ceremonial purposes, but remains a deadly weapon all the same. It is said that the Witch of Izalith presented her daughters each with this dagger. It was imbued with magic which aided in channeling their powers. While it's enchantment has faded greatly, there is still some mysterious energy imbued within it.[/hider] [hider=Lucinda's Ring] [IMG][/IMG] A ring etched with flame markings, if placed upon the finger of any but it's owner it will burn white hot. Lucinda does not reveal much about her past, but this ring holds an important significance for her. When she creates and manipulates flame the black markings on her ring glow with an orange hue.[/hider] [hider=Black Hooded Shawl][IMG][/IMG] A shawl as black as the midnight sky, it offers little protection against physical attacks, but provides a substantial reduction in the effects of offensive magic aimed at the wearer and almost entirely mitigates damage caused by fire. A shawl worn by Lucinda, the thread it is sewn from does not match any seen before and gives off a gentle warmth. Some say the Witch of the Black Flame was trained by the mother of pyromancy herself, however it seems unlikely. Though many have claimed that her tortured soul still wanders the forgotten land of Lordran.[/hider] [hider=Robes of the Black Flame][IMG][/IMG] Robes as black as the midnight sky, they offer little protection against physical attacks, but provide a substantial reduction in the effects of offensive magic aimed at the wearer and almost entirely mitigate damage caused by fire. Robes worn by Lucinda, the thread they are sewn from does not match any seen before and give off a gentle warmth. Some say the Witch of the Black Flame was trained by the mother of pyromancy herself, however it seems unlikely. Though many have claimed that her tortured soul still wanders the forgotten land of Lordran.[/hider] [hider=Armbands of the Black Flame][IMG][/IMG] Armbands as black as the midnight sky, they offer little protection against physical attacks, but provide a substantial reduction in the effects of offensive magic aimed at the wearer and almost entirely mitigate damage caused by fire. Armbands worn by Lucinda, the thread they are sewn from does not match any seen before and give off a gentle warmth. Some say the Witch of the Black Flame was trained by the mother of pyromancy herself, however it seems unlikely. Though many have claimed that her tortured soul still wanders the forgotten land of Lordran.[/hider] [hider=Boots of the Black Flame][IMG][/IMG] Boots as black as the midnight sky, they offer some protection against physical attacks, and provide a decent reduction in the effects of offensive magic aimed at the wearer as well as mitigating damage caused by fire by a moderate degree. Boots worn by Lucinda, the black leather they are made from does not match any seen before and give off a gentle warmth. Some say the Witch of the Black Flame was trained by the mother of pyromancy herself, however it seems unlikely. Though many have claimed that her tortured soul still wanders the forgotten land of Lordran.[/hider] Other: Like most details about Lucinda, what she actually is remains unknown. Perhaps she is just another undead, perhaps she is a ghost, or perhaps there are still touches of truly powerful souls left in the world.