Dam too Bad I didn't know this sooner Nalore, I would have joined Here's what I'm running in the other WD RP I mentioned Name : Karen White Age : 27 Height : 5' 1" Weight :89 pnds Equipment :148 piece WWII Army surplus surgical kit with boiling trays stethoscope sphygmomanometer (blood pressure meter) Assorted pots and pans Two pair of women's hiking boots 16 pair gortex socks 2=150' coils of climbing rope 1= 10 man Army tent with poles and stakes 1=Folding cot with pad 1=hand cranked rechargeable surgical light (battery is weak and needs re charging after only 1 hour of use) 6=glass IV bottles reusable 1=folding stretcher/cot 6=medium blankets 1=cold weather rated sleeping bag 2=15X20 canvass tarps 2=pair binoculars 30-160x70 power Weapons 1=:12 Gage Browning Semi 2=M2A1 Ammo cans (175 rnds per) and 20 rnds in ammo pouch on web belt 1=7" Kabar knife 1= 8' Calvary lance (handmade as a gift) 1= Calvary Saber Previous Occupation : Assistant Corner Yazoo City Mississippi Appearance: [IMG]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_RKzQLIUiGFM/S6x3G2Jt0_I/AAAAAAAAAb0/AKwBlXn1WVs/s1600/angelababy02.jpg[/IMG] Bio :Karen was born in Yazoo City to Mr Johnathan Wife and his wife Pearl. The last of three children Karen was the only Girl 9 years younger than her middle brother Arthur and 12 years younger than her brother Herbert she was the baby of the family an pampered accordingly. Her oldest brother was her hero and her middle brother her best friend. Her brother Herbert was a Coast guard Captain and her brother Arthur a Gunnery Sergeant in the Marines when Karen graduated high school at the age of 16. Karen was one of the happiest girls she knew that is till the day when she received word that her parents had died in a car accident, she was just 18. She was consoled by her brothers who asked her to finish school as her mom and dad had wished that she do. Karen did finish med school and was on the path to become a surgeon but for the death of her older brother Herbert who was trying rescue oil men trapped on an oil rig during a hurricane. Karen dropped into a depression and almost gave up medicine completely till the town corner of Yazoo City who was a friend of her father's managed to talk her into becoming his assistant. She did this till the day they began appearing. She was ordered by the authorities to use her skills as a doctor at an evacuation center in Baton rouge. She did as she must till they began over running the city and killing any unlucky enough to encounter them unprepared. She along with 20 other survivors managed to board a barge tug that had two barges still loaded with some supplies and headed south on the river for the gulf of Mexico where they were to make the inter coastal waterway and try for the east coast ports where they might find help. They almost made it to the gulf when they were attacked by pirates and boarded. Karen seeing how brutally the pirates treated those they captured dove over the side and swam for the river bank. She managed to avoid by luck being found by the dead or the pirates until she stumbled across a small group of Army reservists. There were 8 of them and they had two prime movers as their vehicles. They them selves had been attacked by feral humans and had a wounded man whom they were sure was going to die. Karen told them she was a doctor and they in a stroke of luck told her they had medical supplies. At first Karen was amused an then grateful when she found out that they had a large surgical kit except that it was the sort left over from WWII. The primitive kit proved useful and sturdy if not as delicate as she were used to and it did save the man's life. They were headed north to St. Louis where there was at last reports a large assembly point the army had set up. After weeks of travel and horrors they finally arrived near St. Louis only to find the assembly point over run. Karen and one of the others she'd been traveling with were the only survivors to make it out of there in a HUMVEE that had everything she could save aboard. Forced to head west she traveled with her companion shunning the use of roads as much as possible. It was one night after a brutal encounter with a small group of the dead that her companion shot himself leaving her alone. As she was traveling west alone Karen came across a farm where she found three horses who seemed glad to see her. In the barn she found three saddles two of which she modified into pack saddles. She went all this trouble because her motor transport was low on fuel and she couldn't find any in the surrounding area. She set out from the abandoned farm and headed west once more and along the way soon found two more horses who attached themselves to her party and followed her. NOTES : Karen is an adequate Horse woman with some experience Born and raised in Yazoo she is experienced in the use and operation of shotguns. The Calvary Lance and Saber she carries were found in a small museum and she is only slightly experienced in their use On her Lance is a white Banner with a Red Cross on it. On her horse pack canvass's side are painted white circles with red crosses and written beneath Doctor in large white letters.