[center][img=http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/7/73958/2456891-kharn_the_betrayer.jpg][/center] Name: Furion, Last Son of Archeon Age: Unknown, appears to be in his late 20's. Gender: Male Appearance: Standing at a monumental 9 foot even and rippling with muscles, Furion is very much a Son of Archeon. His eyes are a dark ember color that glow with a faint light only noticeable in the darkd and his hair would be dark brown if he didn't shave it. Furion's massive body is covered in scars, most are battle scars but some are self inflicted. The largest one is the [url= http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110716020415/warhammer40k/images/5/5a/Star_of_Chaos.jpg]Star of Battle[/url], a holy symbol, branded across his chest. The rest are just symbols of little meaning or war scars from a battle he doesn't remember. However the [url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-qUjVXminJss/U1L7TGFpZQI/AAAAAAAAA6M/E5rwlt4vRRE/s1600/480px-Khorne_symbol.png]tattoo[/url] that covers his face is dedicated to his god of battle. Personality: Once upon a time Furion was a loud, angry man who would fight and kill with the smallest of provacation. However with age Furion has turned into a somber but wise man who can emphasize with the people he used to think as weak. Regret eats away at his heart for what he did to his brothers but he knows that he is too far gone to return to the ways of Angron. However When the blood begins to flow, both through his heart and through the air, Furion is reminded of what it means to be the Champion of Rudianos and falls into the barbarian rage in which his forgotten family was known for. History: Furion hails from Angron, a small kingdom that could trace its roots back to a splinter group of Berenike knights. While most families lost the massive size the knights were known for, Furion's family has preserved it and as such breed the strongest warriors. His father, Archeon, was the current war master of the kingdom and pushed all his sons to go out and prove themselves in the eyes of their god, Angron the Twice Blooded. However during his trials, Furion found himself falling further and further into the Creed of Rudianos. The god of bloodshed and violence. However, instead of fretting over his failure to gain Angron's attention Furion pushed himself further down the path of Rudianos. Eventually Furion was visited by Rudianos himself with his set of trails instead of the one set for his brothers. The way was long and bloody, ending with a climactic battle with his seven other brothers. At the end Furion was the victor and after claiming his siblings skulls for his own, was gifted with the arms and armor he is seen with. However, soon after gaining these gifts Furion died and awoke near a bonfire. Confusion was later replaced with realization, then annoyance. With a shrug he returned home and was immediately met with anger for his actions and disgust for his current shape. Soon after a conflict between the knights of Angron and his father ensued that shattered the cohesion of the city of Angron. However even with his city shattered, his guards dead, and the abyss rearing its head, Archeon couldn't kill his only son. Instead he was banishd to the Asylum where Furion has stayed ever since. Items: [i]Helm of Rudianos:[/i] A large, ornate helm decorated with the hair of an ancient dragon long dead and a face of fury twisted into the blood red metal. Rudianos has blessed the helmet with the ability to twist the wearers yells of rage into roars of unbridled fury, issuing a challenge to any and all. EFFECT: Greatly increased aggro. [i]Breastplate of Rudianos:[/i] A large chest piece that covers all of the torso minus the arms. The inside is lined with small pins that sink into the wearers flesh when struck, causing his blood to run as freely as those he battles. However this matters not to a champion of Rudianos who will fight even harder when bleeding. EFFECT: Gives a bonus to bleeding but pushes Furion into berserk rage. [i]Glove of Rudianos:[/i] A large, blood red glove with bronze trim that is worn on the left hand. Nothing more than a hand guard. EFFECT: N/A [i]Grieves of Rudianos:[/i] These leggings are heavy, causing the wearers footsteps to boom loudly against the ground. However the treads on the soles gives the wearer a higher poise when on earth, mud, or gravel. EFFECTS: Increased aggro on stone or metal but increased poise on earth, mud, or gravel. [i]Collar of Rudianos:[/i] A large, spiked [url=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130321172204/warhammer40k/images/0/0d/Collar_of_Khorne.jpg]collar[/url] that protects the wearer from attacks of a purely magic nature however the weight of the collar reminds the wearer who their master is and what they are a slave to. EFFECT: Gives Furion a major defense boost against magic attacks. [i]Arm of Rudianos:[/i] A sleeve of heavy armor that covers the wearers right arm and is topped with a massive pauldron. This piece of armor is the closest thing that a champion of Rudianos gets however it works perfectly for their fighting style. While still a durable shield, its real strength comes with its ability to parry attacks. EFFECT: Weak block but higher parry window. [i]Gorechild:[/i] This large axe was definitly made for a larger being. However for those strong enough to wield it, it becomes an incredibly dangerous weapon. Only gifted to the most worthy of Rudianos' champions the axe is rumored to be made from the bones and souls of dragons. However that is only speculation, but it would describe the blades seemingly ravenous hunger for blood. EFFECTS: Massive damage and immense bleed chance. [i]Seven Skulls:[/i] The seven skulls of Furion's siblings. They were once a trophy, a worthy battle to gloat over. Now they are a reminder of his mistakes and motivation to be better. EFFECTS: Reduced humanity lost. Should they be lost however, it would double humanity lost. Other: Furion is strong enough to wield Gorechild with one hand.