[quote=Andele] ryuko knew that this would come but she thought she had more time.....at first sitting there just in silence she looked down trying to think of what to say..... she could fuck this up in so many ways but she hasnt got enough time to think much which was hard even without a time limit because of the alchohol.ryuko decided on what to do and then slowly put her hand on the shoulder of the woman. sho looked up to her with a seducing smile and winked once "can i come with you?"...... afte ryuko said that her head exploded with questions why she did such a weird thing. why did she go for this attempt? it might work but the chances are 1/1000. on the inside ryuko was extremly nervous hoping that this would work but on the ouside she keept up her act. [/quote] Effie played with the idea in her head; but then again, she didn't even know the woman's name. And she wasn't drunk enough to put herself in [I]that[/I] much danger. While sleeping, she could do anything to her and Effie was not ready to be vulnerable to a possible enemy. No, she would already have to endure nights on her little adventure and so she decided that this woman would be spared from her sleep kicking. "No." Effie said, dropping the act of being insanely inebriated. No point in it now. She left before the woman could say another word and travelled up the stairs, even though she in all actually had not paid for a room. There wasn't a point to pay for a room. Picking one at random and crossing her fingers, Effie bent down and struggled to put her pick into the lock. Every few seconds she would twitch her hand and little snaps would be heard. Finally, the door opened and it was revealed that nobody was in there, to Effie's relief. And so she kicked the door behind her, stashed a knife under her pillow and mattress, and closed the window. She didn't bother undressing and instead fell flat into the bed, praying that nobody would get the key to her room.