[b]"Ready for adventure? But of course!"[/b] She replied, twirling with her own dramatic flair. A soft smile grew on Sebastian's face as she did so. [b]"I am Cassandra Flemming, I can do anything if I put my mind to it! At least that's what daddy told me."[/b] She continued. Sebastian nodded slowly, the smile not fading as she walked up to him. [b]"Say, where will we go to first? I don't wanna go to any old human place. Take me to where the wild things are!"[/b] She finished, her voice loud and proud. Sebastian sighed and resisted the urge to pat her head. He simply smiled at her, his eyes soft with affection. [b]"If you're going to make me choose, we'll be staying right here, in the manor, and not go anywhere. So if you expect to go somewhere, I'm only meant to follow, not the other way around."[/b] He explained, raising a brow at her. Chuckling, he closed his eyes for a brief moment. [b]"Mistress, you were reading late last night weren't you?"[/b] He asked, chuckling still.