[quote=Zombehs] “The price is already set, and no, I’m not taking higher bids. Now, either walk or give the sword back so I can. I do have someone waiting.” [/quote] Elizabeth couldn't avoid laughing out loud at this notion. Not the nicest thing to do in this situation, no matter how you put it. "No worries, I'm not after this thing. 's a little too delicate for me anyway." Yes, a longsword too 'delicate'. Not an awful lot of people could say this without the slightest trace of irony, and while a bit of mockery swung with her voice, the girl was absolutely honest and dead serious about it. However, the fact that Veili had indeed crafted the sword himself was great news for her. Inofficially she was looking for a skilled weaponsmith for quite some time now, but never found anyone who could measure up to her standards or fit the psychological profile this redhead served her on a silver plate. She needed someone to craft an almost suicidal thing for her, and he would do just that, she was certain of it now. Not that Elizabeth actually understood the slightest thing about psychology. She handed him the sword in the same way he held it out to her moments ago, but still intended to follow him, regardless of his consent about that. "I need you to forge something for me, blacksmith boy. Not today, but soon. Something bigger than the toothpick here." Her ambiguous, wide grin didn't quite offer insight just how revolutionary or illegal this 'something' would be, but it promised to be remarkable at least.