[i]Vida sat with her legs curled to her chest surrounded in darkness. how long had she been here with only that man with a rabbit mask to be her company? He was strange, very strange. She wondered why he didn't take the mask off and why he was interested in hanging around her. He didn't seem to be put off by her mannerisms like others did. In the mist of her thoughts she didn't notice that he was in front of her now squatting to be eye level with her. "Do you have your answer?" The ears of his mask moved as if they were real in response to his his question. Vida looked at him then away. "I am not a monster.. monsters are scary and live in dark places." She wasn't a monster. She was sure of it. "Interesting" He replied the mouth of the mask turning up into a smile. "But aren't you in a dark, scary place now?" Vida looked back at him. "I am not a MONSTER!" "Very well.." He stood up and held his hand out to her. "Let go some where with more light then." She looked up to him hopeful. Someplace with more light.. she wanted to go there. Without a second thought she grabbed his hand. [/i] 1:10 PM Vida stirred in her sleep. She was fighting to wake up, but her eye lids were heavy and hard to open. Finally she was able to open them and look at what was around her. The room was unfocused. Everything was fuzzy. "What.." She whispered not processing anything around her. "Am I still.... asleep?" She said sitting up. As her bare feet touched the floor she felt the cold. "It's cool.. dreams are lukewarm.." She was still in a haze when the smell of food reached her nose. Her stomach instantly clenched causing a sharp pain to run through her body. She was starving.. she couldn't remember ever being this hungry before. Staggering to her feet she made her way out to where the food was. She looked different from last night when she was first abducted. Her body didn't look healthy like it had and she was thinner. All the healing she had to do the night before had taken its toll on her body. In order to save itself it had broken down the fat and some muscles in her body as a means of energy. She looked like she battle death and barely managed to evade it. She slid her feet along the ground as she walked as if picking them up was to much of an effort. She shuffled into the kitchen with food and made her way to it. Her stomach growled loudly. Through the dark circles and bags under her eyes the food that was cooked looked amazing. Vida picked up some of the burnt toast and took at small bite before she started to devour the toast like it was the best thing to every be made in the planet. Next was the eggs. She stuffed them in her mouth until she could barely chew. Almost choking on her food she went straight for some bacon. She kept eating until she felt like she was going to throw up from being so full, but at least now she felt alive. The color in her skin gradually started to return and the bags under her eyes receded. She was starting to look healthy again. She even started to feel more energy in her body, like she could walk like a normally person again. She looked up at the chief with remittances of the food still on her face. "That was good! I mean really good like taco Tuesday on a Monday with all the toppings and peanut butter dip! What is your name? I am Vida! Oh wait.." She stopped talking for a moment.. Now that she was fully awake she remembered what had happened the night before. She had been kidnapped and shot. "Kidnapped.. You kidnapped me. No, no. That isn't good.. but the food was. Wait I have to leave. Where am I?" She looked trying to get her barings straight, but she had never been a place that looked like this before. She stood up quickly and took a step before stopping. There was no pain in her movements even though she remembered being shot several times. She looked at her hands, they weren't shaking. "How am I alive still? I've been getting over bruises and cuts quickly, but how did I live?" She closed her fingers to make a fist then released looking at her palms again..