[center][img=http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/500x240StorybrookeRegina-1.gif?t=1407788873][/center] It was spooky really, being in the hospital in the dead of night while the power was out. Still though, David pushed forward until he reached the hospital room that held the Jane Doe, and had held the Jane Doe for as long as he could remember. David stood in the doorway, hesitating breaking through the threshold as if he would disturb the comatose woman if he took another step closer. As he stood there, fidgetting, he remembered the first time he had come to visit the woman; Mayor Mills had visited him at work and asked him to follow her to the hospital, putting him in front of Jane Doe and asked if he knew her. Of course he didn't [i]know[/i] her, no one in Storybrooke did, there was a reason everyone called her Jane Doe... Raising his fist to his mouth, he purposfully cleared his throat, as if to make his appearance known to the woman, holding the book tight under his other arm. He finally took the step into the room and pulled over an old, brown chair reserved for those who came to visit and sat down. He couldn't help but to look upon her face, so fair in complexion, such was the face of innocence. "I uh..." David cleared his throat again and wiped his sweaty palms on the knees of his jeans. "I was asked to come and read you a story, so uh, just keep in mind that I'm doing this for a friend..." David shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he opened up the book, flipping through the pages to find the story of Snow White, using the back light of the heart moniter as his light source. He was grateful that at least the hospital had backup generators to keep it going, who knew what would happen to a coma patient if these machines were turned off too? Finally finding the chapter, David flipped through a few more pages, wondering where to start. Henry didn't exactly say where he had left off last time he read to her, and as he flipped through the pages the story of Snow White seemed to be pretty long. "I guess I'll just start from the beginning..." David said outloud and flipped back to the first page of the chapter, finding a picture that took up the entirety of the first page with a picture of what he could assume was a very young Snow White putting on a tiara in front of a mirror. David cleared his throat again, and began... "Once upon a time there lived a young girl named Snow White. Having been born on the coldest winter day of the year, her mother, Queen Eva, named her appropriately so..." David paused, listening to the heart-rate moniter's steady beeping sounds and looked upon the woman's face again, though this time with a slight smile before he continued on. The minutes turned into hours, and before David knew it, it was breaching nearly three in the morning. The only time he had stopped before now was when the security guard, Knox, had come to check and make sure that the backup generators were working; that and about two hours ago the power had returned, allowing David to read further without having to squint his eyes so much. The spine of the book was resting against Jane Doe's hospital bed, his hands on either side of the large book. After checking the time, he promised to read one more chapter before calling it a night. "...they didn't need words to express what they felt in their hearts. It was here, in the shadow of the Troll Bridge that their love was born, for they knew, no matter how they were seperated that they would-" David jumped as he felt a cool hand grab onto his. With wide, startled eyes, he looked down to his hand to see that it was Jane Doe's hand that had grabbed his, holding onto his hand ever so softly, reaching out for comfort. As soon as the startled adrenaline faded away, David blinked, realizing what this meant. She was waking up! David quickly got up from the chair, setting the book down and rushed out of the room calling for Dr. Whale. "I'm sure she's waking up!" David said hurridly as Dr. Whale followed behind him back into Jane Doe's hospital room. "She...she grabbed my hand..." David knew it was crazy sounding, but he was never a really good liar and everyone in the town knew that. Dr. Whale [i]had[/i] to believe him. When they finally arrived at Jane Doe's hospital bed, she looked the same as ever, but to David, she looked just a bit more...alive. Perhaps it was the color of her skin that seemed to glow just a bit healthier, but he was sure that she was waking up. Dr. Whale checked the IV in her arm and looked up to the computer moniter, studying the numbers carefully in silence causing David to start grinding his teeth in anticipation. Dr. Whale looked away from the computer moniter and checked Jane Doe's pulse, and then looked back to the moniter shaking his head no. "Everything looks steady." He said to David. "It's the same that it's always been...what were you doing in here?" David shook his head a few times, unsure of what to say, what to do. "I was just reading her...a...a story..." He said truthfully. "Ah, well...perhaps you uh...dosed off?" Dr. Whale tried, stuffing his hands into his lab coat pockets. "It is rather late, perhaps you imagined it." "No, I didn't imagine anything." David affirmed immediately. "Mr. Nolan I can only confirm what I see..." Dr. Whale gestured towards the computer moniter. "...which is...nothing. Sometimes there [i]are[/i] minor fluctuations and readings; perhaps you heard the machine register something and misunderstood?" David looked down at the floor, racking his brain. Was it really possible that he had imagined it? Her hand on his, it felt so real...so alive... "Mr. Nolan, go home, get some rest. If anything changes I'll call you okay?" David nodded with a dejected sigh, grabbing the book from the chair he had spent the last four hours reading in. Maybe he was just tired, it had been a long day afterall. He nodded a quick goodbye to Dr. Whale and then took his leave. Only when Dr. Whale was sure that David was gone did he reach into his pocket and pulled out his cellphone. He hit speed dial number four, and waited. "Do you have [i]any[/i] idea what time it is?" Regina snapped on the other end of the line. "It's Doctor Whale. You told me to call you if there was any change in the Jane Doe..." Dr. Whale began, ignoring the venemous and obviously pissed off greeting from the Mayor. "Something's happened." Regina immediately hung up her phone and sprung out of her bed, no longer did the tiredness pull her eyelids shut as they had just moments before and rushed to get ready for the day, a perminent frown on her face as she did. It didn't take too long before Regina reached the hospital, and after speaking with a few key officials, headed to the room where Jane Doe was kept, only to find it completely empty. Jane Doe had gone missing.