[quote=Hellis]No. YOu are scrambling for a connection there that does not exist at all.[/quote] No, I'm saying I don't trust Kotaku as a source for this story because they proved dishonest. I specifically clarified that I find the story believable, but I need to hear it from somewhere that hasn't already shown themselves to lie to actually regard it as fact. Surely the concept of a credible source isn't foreign to you. [quote=Hellis]-obvious facts on consoles- Your constant attempts to connect things into a wider conspiracy is silly at best and willfully ignorant at worst.[/quote] Please, stop confusing the want for credible sources and questioning of one's honesty as supporting a conspiracy. [quote=Hellis]-obvious facts on gamer culture-[/quote] Yes the battle between casual and hardcore gamer term is ongoing, and the gamer girl craze is still alive. But this has nothing to do with wanting a credible source, and not trusting Kotaku. [quote=Hellis]It's super easy to understand if you have any sort of perspective beyond "Radicalized internet Feminism and lies are bad". Lies are bad, that is not exactly science. Crazy, untouchable idealists of any agenda is always bad as well. But what else is bad is that when we forego all sorts sense to start connecting irrelavant things together.People are stupid. People are vain. People have a incredibly exploitable mindset. Gaming culture is money, for critics and supporters alike.[/quote] *Passively Aggressively Implying my only perspective is not liking feminism* If you actually bothered listening to my points (or were even paying attention when I clarified my issue was strictly with third wave feminism) I doubt you'd still be trying to suggest that's my only perspective. Have you ever posted in any gaming threads here? Like say the Xbox One topic when that was still active? If so you'd be well aware your post was nothing but echoing stuff I've already said in the past, so trying to lecture me on it is redundant.