Aldo silently considered the mans words, he seemed to be forth coming enough, however just because one was forthcoming did not mean anything at least not him, deception was more then a two way road and if you don't know how to walk it then you are doomed to be lost to it. Seeming that Arlo was hiding in the back he had a back up plan so he would play the game for now if it was for the better or the worse. Keeping the gun raised he walked across the rest of the parking lot and slowly came to the door, looking at it he could easily see some fishing wire tied across it now that he was close enough, moving his eye's around he observed the area around the door. He saw the different random items that seemed to correlate with the fishing line, if he had to guess it was some kind of trap intended to alert someone to walkers, that was actually a pretty ingenious system. Aldo looked back up at the man and spoke. "If its all the same I would rather enter through the service entrance and avoid your detection trap give me a moment." Aldo lowered the gun and slowly made his way around to the back, he kept his eye's open and himself on alert for any passing walkers but it was damn near peaceful around here. Making his way to the entrance Aldo slowly slipped in an walked forward, Arlo was crouched near the door to the front with his shotgun ready, raising his finger Aldo made the hush sign to tell him to remain where he was and be quiet. Arlo merely nodded as Aldo walked to the door and slowly pushed it open half way and entered the store, the man was now in front of him only a mere couple feet away or so. There was a rather long and awkward silence between them after that, they both seemed to size each other up at the others behest. "Well then I suppose this is rather awkward in a lot of ways..." Aldo ended up being the one to break the silence between them in the end. "I have not come across someone a live in almost six months, at least not one who was not trying to shoot me anyways. I would like to say it is a happy day, but unfortunately a problem presents itself. I don't trust you and you just as well don't trust me, deception is the law of the land now, an either one of us could kill the other for their supplies without hesitation. Either you don't care I am here or perhaps you do, the problem is I don't know, so the question I pose is where do we go from here?" Aldo silently waited for a response, depending on that response there would either be a shoot out or there wouldn't they would soon see.