Shu didn’t know if this was a very good idea, especially when they could just barge in and take the guy before he could cause trouble. He was all for barging in and completely destroying the place to get the guy to come out, making things break apart was the highlight of his time, but if Takeshi wanted to do it this way then he guessed he had to go along with it. Not knowing what way Takeshi was going to do this, he kept quiet and his head low to make sure he wouldn’t ruin any of Takeshi’s plans, but as things were soon brought under question Shu got pretty nervous. Pulling at his hood a little, he looked up at Takeshi in a quick glance before squeaking a little when Takeshi mentioned who they were. He didn’t think that was a very good idea for reasons he should had known, but now he was going to have to bear with it and hope the guards would buy their little lie that they were still working with their father. The guards were standing ready to get rid of Takeshi and Shu if they caused a problem, not caring whether they were Saiyans or not. They were given high orders and they were not willing to budge for anyone unless a valid reason was given. Staring down at Takeshi and Shu, they looked between each other when Takeshi told them they were the Princes, the pair obviously familiar with them. Staring at each other for a moment, one looked towards the door while the other walked inside. Turning back to Takeshi, the one left gave Takeshi a short bow, “Many sorry apologies, Princes. Immediate notification is being given. Welcome, very welcome. Please come in for he awaits, not keep him waiting…” Opening the door again, the guard kept it open while showing Takeshi and Shu in, not willing to let them go last for courtesy reasons.