Rozenn just moved where he was led, not looking up and making as little noise as possible. More than anything, he was scared out of his wits, unsure how to proceed or what to do. Being forced into his cell, he looked intently at the glass door that separated him from the world. [i] My parents, does they know I am here? [/i] He thought to himself. [i] What will they do if I do not call them or come home for holiday? Will they worry? [/i] he was getting more and more tense at every thought. [i] Will I ever see them again? [/i] Quietly, he sat down in the corner of his cell and began to cry. The days events had started to overwhelm him. The guards had all spoken so loudly, and he could hardly understand them, his understanding of English being as weak as it was. All he had wanted was to go home, but it didn't seem like that would ever bee a possibility. He was just a boy, unused to conflict and violence, and today had taken everything he was comfortable and used to eviscerated it. Looking up he tried to see if there was anybody else in his cell block he could speak to.