No. I see you still stick to the whole "Summarize points in the most patronizing way possible" trick. And adding personal attack by claiming i am being passive aggressive. Good golly sir, you fit right in with a MSNBC panel. Let me pay you one back shall I? protip^ This is called snark, possibly sass. What you display is a form of elitism, trying to patronize whoever argues with you by reducing qoutes to snippets that is meant to highlight some percieved notion of inferiority such as "obvius stuff about gamer culture". [quote=Magic Magnum] Blatant disregarding your own qoutes. [/quote] Magic; No. Just No. They showed images of the launch, it was a wasteland. They had videos of it in other coverage. They are in that regard as credible as they can get. Kotaku is also a blog based site, alot of the writers are freelance or work independant from one another. You yourself say its obvius in regards to what they are covering (consoles), yet you tried to contrive it into being part of the whole "gamer is dead" coverage. They lied (please provide a proper article/reference material about this by the wayl) about things completely unrelated to the xbox ones Japanese launch. You can backpedal all you want, it doesn't change the way presented it or tried to shohorn it into a different discussion. All that "Obvius" stuff about gaming culture? Extremely relavant to the subject at hand as it's been linked to misogony accusations and sensationalism drivel. Gaming culture has a massive problem about exclusivity, and the gaming industry suffer from alot of heavy catering to certein demographics. So its relavant, to the topic of the thread. You don't get to wave it off. You don't have a point. Kotaku may have been dishonest in their coverage of something, they may simply have acted on lacking information. You do not know that. YOu assume, the way the very ones we critize right this moment assumed and waved their virtual pitchforks around. It was by a different person, writing a different kind of blog regarding a entirely different subject. Passive agressive? You might wanna look up what that word means before you toss it at somebody.