First Topic: The Need To Roleplay. Many people on this site know the need to write, it is like a little voice constantly telling you that "this could make a good story" or "that would make a good story". You may even talk to yourself as you try to 'act out' your characters, making them come to life in some way. Sure you maybe the only one to ever read said story, but there is a small satisfaction once the words are on paper, tablet, or computer. It is like a freeing of the spirit, as a part of you no matter how small is going into every character, every scene that is writen out. As you write you discover a part of yourself even if it's something small. As I said earlier, it is satisfying in its own way. But why roleplay? Why 'act out' our writing? Why take someone else into the adventure? Why reveal a part of yourself to another person or persons? It must be our need to have someone read our work, but then there is still the question as to why roleplay? We could all just write blogs of our stories and advoid interacting with others all together. Maybe its a way for our characters to come to life as you may have gone differently in the story if you were to write it, but with the an other controlling the other character and half of the story things take a different turn. And in same ways you become our character, you try to think how that character would think and act. Another reason why we like to roleplay is that for some of us it takes us back to our childhoods. Meaning that we get in touch with our imaginations which is usually not active during our daily lives (Which is sad). Another reason that we like to roleplay, is that it gets us away from our stress even if it's for a moment. But that one moment is an escape, an escape from being you and you get to be someone else, either if it's someone you want to be or something else entirely. I know the reasons I roleplay. [list][*]Love to write/using my imagination[/*] [*]I like meeting/writing with other creative minds[/*] [*]I like 'leaving' this world for a moment and entering another[/*][/list] I have been on many roleplaying sites, some that have other things going on (like adoptible 'pets' and the like), some that just didn't have enough users, and some that the creater just shut it down. I found that the ones with 'pets' took away from the roleplaying experience leaving it kind of kiddish and uninviting to older roleplayers (such as myself). The others, well its kind of self explanatory. But those things didn't make me shy away from roleplaying, though life takes me away at times I still enjoy it. I still love the interaction with other writers, the developping of characters and 'living' their lives for a moment. All in all the need for roleplaying trully depends on the individual, though I am sure a few, if not many, would agree with me. [centre]Comments and talk are welcome but please no spam and no rudeness.[/centre]