"There's nothing to be scared of," he sighed, staring down at her. "I'm here now. Nothing, no one, is going to hurt you..." She somehow didn’t seem to mind this, or if she did her fear was overpowering the revulsion. He was hoping it was simply not minding. He hugged her tighter, pulling her closer to his chest. Could she sleep alone here, or would she have another nightmare. He looked back towards the door to his small observatory, and thought a moment. “Now obviously I’m sure you don’t want to share a bed…” He spoke slowly, trying to choose his words, trying not to offend her. “But if you’d like, you can come with me to the observatory…” He pointed towards the door, where he’d been sleeping, and then looked to her. “It’s not very big, but at least it’s not a bed. I’ll be close by, and more than anything, it’s more secure.” He let her go, finally thinking better of holding her, and sat up. He stood from the bed, already missing the feeling of her in his arms… Really, what was wrong with him? Everything, all of this, was a mistake. Everything since taking her into his room. He was getting attached, slowly. He should have brought her straight to her cell. He should have left her there, not bothering to check on her. She probably would have been alright… probably. Either way, she had sunk her claws into him… whether she had intended to or not. Of course she hadn’t meant to, the thought alone was ridiculous. She had made every attempt to let him know she didn’t want to be here, didn’t want to be near him. And here he was, defying that. He shook his head and stood, grabbing one of the pillows from the bed as he started heading back to his observatory. “I’m sorry for disturbing you, your grace.”