[quote=Aeonumbra] I'm going to keep 90% of the plants poisonous//infected to humans. If you want a "natural" plant based solution, or "fruits" and "nuts" then you need to create specific plants for that in using the templates. (even if it's a plain boring tree). As edible plant grown fruits and nuts is a rare thing. Unless you want it specifically then you have to trade for purge.In your gear you list fruits and nuts, you'll need to create flora to match that, or edit in some purge. Also would be a good reason for them to trade. [/quote] That works. The Khu'lu are more plausible having at least some ability to forage and hunt, but access to purge via trade would make their lives significantly easier. It would also support Nix'ta's reason for leaving the tribe, especially given their cohesion and the importance of a shaman, if they no longer had access to slush or purge without re-establishing some type of consistent trade arrangement. I'll create some flora and edible fauna - the latter will probably be larger predators that, while providing a plentiful supply of edible meat, would also be dangerous enough to challenge that trading for purge is preferable. In terms of the IC, how would you prefer that to happen? She could plausibly try to work her way onto the Darkling hunt, or she could cross paths with the group en route.