Maurice finally arrived in Nueveo Pariaso, sweat dripping down his back as he rode under the hot Mexican sun, determined to make it to his brother's house in El Matadero before sun down. He wasn't sure how he was going to handle living in Mexico for a week, or staying with his brother and soon to be wife. All he knew was that he was grateful to have a vacation and to see his brother again. Looking at his map, it appeared that he was in El Matadero - but he really wished he wasn't. The settlement looked like an old, run down living space for peasants and beggars. Could his brother really live here? As he trotted through the settlement on his horse, he peered around until he saw a familiar site - his brother. He looked so much older and now had long hair and thick side burns. Slightly taken aback, Maurice was hesitant to dismount from his horse. "Brother! I can't believe you're here!" Robert exclaimed and rushed to help Maurice off of his horse. The two made their way into Robert and his fiance, Maria's, house which looked more like a shed. Trying his best not to show his disgust, Maurice took a seat at the dinner table as Robert introduced Maurice to Maria while she served dinner. Over dinner, they caught up with each other, exchanged word of what had been going on in their lives for the past 5 years. But what caught Maurice's attention the most was when Robert and Maria talked about their involvement in the revolution and when they spoke about a man named [b]Captain Evarado[/b].The things they said about him made Maurice shutter, and despite the fact that he was supposed to be on vacation, Maurice knew he had to track him down before he left Mexico and see the violence for himself.