So many thing happened all at once after 066 had spoken to 013. It was a surprise to see how many others were willing, well not much of a surprise at that exact, but how many replied and how it seemed they were not even afraid of possible retribution if they failed… At first someone else said something that made little sense to 066, he sounded cold and pretty uninterested yet also seemed to have some interest at the same time… "Nothing's impossible to damage, just depends on how hard you hit it and how many times you hit. Besides just because the walls are fireproof doesn't mean the doors are, and the guards are just like us. Without any kind of power if ya get that." There was truth in his words, that much was clear, but 066 did not follow where he replied to and what he meant exactly, it was as if he was talking in general, trying to give some people an idea or something, well in all truth that could work pretty well. Then another person spoke up out of nowhere. "Maybe a simulated system malfunction combined with a power surge will distract the A.I long enough to send an order to someone to unlock the cells cause they're empty." "Or allow someone to use force to but out without being detected. The more problems at the same time the better. I can provide the juice for a blackout, but i'd blackout myself. What do you think?" 066 thought about it for a bit before replying. “hold off the blackout, its better to safe that as a back up since you get hit as well” 066 did not know what the person meant with the blackout of himself, but it sounded bad and they may need all the strength they can get “But you did gave me an idea, perhaps the intercom is connected to the A.I., if so I might be able to hack into it as well” But 066 never got the time for it as more people started to speak, he could hardly respond to them and focus on hacking an A.I. that might be more stronger then he is, he hacked into brain-less computer systems, an A.I., that might be impossible actually… "Epacse...nac ew?" it was hard to know what that meant at this point in time, breaking the code and working and listening on others while wanting to hack deep into the systems was to much at the same time, but 066 did notice something from the same intercom soon afterwards: the sound of a hard blast of something against something steel like the door, did this person started breaking the door open, it sounded like he did it at least. Through this much was nothing to break his further concentration, but then someone asked him a question: " me...d-did you see in the..the file what I can do?" The number of the intercom said it was subjects 009, Thinking about the flood of data his mind received he tried to find her answer but the file was sub-classified, and since he was not in the system he found the file in he could not open it, as far as his mind was concerned it was just a mere memory with nothing inside. It became clear and a huge relieve to be honest, that trough he can connect with a computer he was still a human, it was all just memories and information, not real files that were downloaded as the scientist were saying. “sorry, but whatever they did to you was important enough to double lock, I cant read the report” Then Finally the person that asked the first question reacted again. "That's not the craziest thing I've ever heard” followed by some silence "Hey 66, Quiet up some ones coming." Right away 066 closed the entire speaker system, turning it to radio silence on all rooms for a second, it was the quickest and easiest action to do compared to isolating one specific speaker and closing only that one, and 066 had to be fast enough. He did keep the mic open in order to listen in on what happened everywhere. In a way he wanted that he did not, during this time there was a lone signal, the signal had been there all this time but it seemed that only the mic was working, it was not that the speaker was broken, but it seemed there was someone on its signal, it was luck that the person that was using the speaker was not using the speaker systems on his or her end, the person even had not activated the microphone on the speaker in the cell, otherwise he or she would have heard our conversation. 066 kinda wished the person had trough, from the sound of it, the prisoner was going to be fed but I seemed his food was going to be another human, then all power was cut from the cell, it seemed on purpose by the person that had been using the speakers before. Then during the speaker silence on other report was made. "Heh-hello, Sefenty Threy. I...hrm, I caaan hellppp" I offer 066 did not know what to say, that was if she could have heard them or him for that matter, the number she called herself was 073 and he knew that number, not of having met her of course, no its from the files, she was the second person where they went so far that he did not know if she was still human. At least this time he could say his feelings “poor girl” it was not like anyone could hear him. As it sounded she was not in a good state or something, it was likely better if she were to be kept resting for a while longer. In the meantime it sounded like 010 was in a fight with a guard and then Finally he spoke to 066 again. "Alright, 66 where are you from here?" “I cant really pinpoint where who is trough this system but I guess were stacked our numbers or at least it should be on the doors or something…” 066 said as he restarted the speakers, it seemed the connection went right in one go this time. It sounded like things turned quite after that, 066 guessed that 010 had left the room. Other rooms like the one that spoke weirdly had also turned quite, but then he heard something new. Another far off cell that had been quite for all this time suddenly gave a sound, the number was 002, 066 had thought that this person was dead, no sound from the cell during the entire conversation, no gender or anything in the report, only something about the persons medical training. 066 started to wonder if the files he had gotten were complete to start with but his wonders were replaced by fears soon as he heard what was happening in the room of 002. ----- [Subject 002 cell] 002 had been sleeping during the entire conversation, not cause she was so deep but because the entire conversation was not getting transmitted to her cell, it had been this way for months now, she never knew when tried to report something to her such as that she needed to get up and dressed as they were going to pick her up or something, often resulting that when they opened the door she was still sleeping, and she slept in the nude so this often gave rise to some improper events, trough she had been lucky until now that the soldiers were on a strict time, giving them barely time to cup a feel and then slap her in the face so she woke up and then got dragged in the nude to the training side where she finally got some cloths. This was because a long time ago, she was thrown into the cell as punishment and had slammed into the speaker system, breaking it, all computer based signals were still getting transmitted to it, but the speaker box that makes the sounds was dead. Worst was that even a simple glance to the thing would show that it was busted, the entire front was hanging out, but either they ignored it for the enjoyment of slapping and touching her or no one paid any attention to it. Suddenly she was woken up as someone slapped her face again. In front of her was a male soldier she had seen nearly daily, he always was one of the soldiers to wake her up and was the most rough with her, even when pulling her to the training facility he often tried to touch her in her private areas, masking it as pulling her. “hello bitch, I got some good news, well good for me that is, I got relieved from duty here, and that means I am free to do whatever I can with you now” He looked at the broken speaker and laughed “man, I always loved it to wake you up, touching that filthy body of you, seeing my hand or boot on your ugly face, all because of that busted speaker, glad I never reported it hehehe” Then he looked at her again “but this would be the last time I got to do that, so this time lets go all the way, not like they can fire whatis not working for them in first place anyway, hahahahaha” 002 was frozen in fear unable to react at all. --- A soldier had entered subject 002’s room, it happened to fast for him to close the speaker link, resulting that everyone could hear this, he could only hope they all kept quite for now or he would hear them. “hello bitch, I got some good news, well good for me that is, I got relieved from duty here, and that means I am free to do whatever I can with you now” That did not sounded good at all. “man, I always loved it to wake you up, touching that filthy body of you, seeing my hand or boot on your ugly face, all because of that busted speaker, glad I never reported it hehehe” The speaker was broken? Then no matter who said anything they wont hear it, but then she would not have heard us at all either, this really started to look grim for 002. Growl* Help! Cage...need...*Growl*...way...out!" *Growl* A new voice, but this time there was something off, the speaker did not had any number system and aside a few like 033 everyone had said something. This person however, no matter how 066 tried to wrap his brain around it, he was not on the list.. It seemed he truly did not had all the data, but now this was unimportant, he had to get to 002 and fast. “don’t worry Growli and 73, as soon as we get out I’ll come looking, but first, you heard 002’s…” Suddenly 066 broke his concentration, he felt someone touching his body. It was the downside to this mind hack system, once he is inside a electronic system he would lose contact with his body, leaving him wide open and clearly someone had entered his cell and touched his body. 066 heard that he might be fatally wounded as he returned to his body but he had luck on his side it seemed, cause the one that touched him only had his hand on his shoulder in an attempt to pull his mind back. 066 looked at the man and noticed the clothes he was wearing, it were the clothes of an subject and a grin appeared on his face “we got lift off” But then he realized something, 002 was still in danger. In a quick movement he slammed past the door, leaving his savior, who he realized while running was likely 010, as rushed through the corridor noticing how the numbers were quickly declining and then he reached the cell he was looking for. The door was wide open and a scream could be heard. In a quick movement, charging hs body for increased agility he grabbed the soldier who already had his pants to his knees by his neck and by pure instinct 066 did something he did not even knew he could do. A bio-electric shock pulsed trough his body in a manner that electricity was getting released from his skin and all rushed across his body to the man, multiplying and then the man screamed for a second as his body turned bright enough to show his skeleton and electricity jumped off him, leaving a burned corpse to fall on the ground. 066 looked at 002 and found a nude girl… a girl, trough all this mess that option had not come to his mind that the one that was about to get raped by a male soldier was a girl… 066 felt pretty stupid and then he felt the cold hard floor slam against his face as he instantly dropped limb, the aftershock of his power outage had drained him completely. Finally the comment of a making a blackout due to ones powers made sense, so they were similar or the same that guy and me… Out of the corner of his eyes 066 noticed the girl getting close with worried eyes and stepping back as 010 got close as well, both having seen what happened. In the meantime 012, 003 and 027 had escaped as well. 027and perhaps even 003 had even started to open other cells, releasing at least 033 who was running amok and not really being a help for the cause at this moment.