Name: Dorlin Age: Young for a Giant Gender: Male? Appearance: Dorlin is one of the famed Giants, known for their sheer size and power within the world, however unlike most of his kin Dorlin lacks the mass that the others do, only being about two times the height of a large human 12 ft. He has worked most of his life to mimic the [url=]Elite Troops of his people[/url], and because of this he has gained their overall body structure. He wears a decorative metal mask on his head which is also covered by a hood from his robes. These robes cover a god part of his body with a armored scarf covering up his neckline. Bits and pieces of metal are located across his body for protection, while the most stand out piece on him, excluding his mask, seems to be two gauntlets. Personality: Dorlin has a prideful and is always ready to show off his skills, mainly stemming from the sort of 'bullying' from his people for his size, though because of this he is also much more respectful to smaller races as he knows what it feels like to be such. He has one desire that stands above all else, and this is to gather enough power to stand among his people as not only a equal, but also a ruler... History: Dorlin was born as a small giant among his peers, and because of this he was found to be 'less useful' than his kin, but instead of falling into line with this he was driven on to prove them wrong, but on the warnings from a elder giant he 'left' his people in order to gather power, gather it to help stop the threat that was looming already in the human lands, a threat known as the Abyss. With this power know as Pyromancy he would enhance their rather simple form in order to rule his people, to prove his worth, and save them all... Items: (Provide a description for each item, Dark Souls style. :p Pictures are nice too, though not necessary.) Giant Exile set: These heaps of robes cover the powerful form of the flame wielding exile giant, with a few human shields protecting the users form from attack, many of which have several kingdoms markings on the shields. A version of 'light armor' for giants so to say. The Mask looks crudely made and yet the pieces of metal seem finely crafted and from many different armors. The one who made it said it was for protecting one from the flames of pyromancy, though clearly he did not know much about the art then... Shattered Giant's Sword: A common giants longsword, which is about the same size as a humans great sword. This one seems to have seen many battles, and have been broken as a result. Gauntlet's of the Shaman: These strange devices were said to belong of the greatest of Pyromancy using giants Malrok, enabling several Pyromancy Flames to be installed within the rings of the gauntlets, which helped the primitive giant pyromancy, though now they are used to stall both one flame and different spells for their current giant user. [img=] Other: Can only use human weapons that are long sword or above to fit his size and strength. Also knows simple Pyromancy.