"Actually, I, personally have no questions for you. I, frankly, couldn't care less about your involvement with this, It's just that Clarius wants to see you. [i]He's[/i] the one that wants to question you. I think you left before he was done. Or something." Takeshi shrugged nonchalantly when he finished speaking. It was then that he remembered he was supposed to text Claire with information after he found Katana-Dude. He held up a single finger to signify something like "gimme a sec" or something of the like and pulled out his phone. The text he began typing out quickly read as follows: [i]Yo. Found him. Was in his room. Was with a couple girls. Called me "-sama." Was also with roommate. Had sword too, but different kind. Telling him to go talk to you. May or may not go, but seems happy to answer questions. Pretty cooperative guy, it seems. -Your wingman Maetakeshi P.S. Dealt with exes going door-to-door. Not fun. 3/10, would not do again.[/i] He often signed his texts to Clarius in such a way. Takeshi was as close to a wingman as the poor slave could get. And he was a fan of portmanteaus, hence the combining of his family and given names. But that was irrelevant. He looked up to signify he had finished the task on his phone and was ready for a response from Daniel.