[quote=Leos Klien] Yeah, I've always wondered that myself. Why on earth is it month first? It's just so much easier with the day before hand. [/quote] Apparently, according to Wikipedia, it's a rather modern quirk of the United States: [quote=Wikipedia article on calendar dates] [b]Gregorian, month-day-year (MDY)[/b] This sequence is used primarily in the United States. This date format was commonly used alongside the little-endian form (DMY) in the United Kingdom until the mid-20th century and can be found in both defunct and modern print media such as the London Gazette and The Times, respectively. [/quote] I think the best way to remove ambiguity is to use the full version rather than the number abbreviations (e.g. 5th Sep. or Sep. 5th), and if you do use the abbreviations, use YYYY/MM/DD. :) The descending order should get across even to us loony Yanks. Anyway, I'm still around, working on my CS little by little. I wanted to ask you, Pellegrino, how many days away from the Great War are we going to be, specifically?