[i] Don't make waves, don't make waves... [/i] thought Rozenn as he stood up. The way that the guard barked orders at him only served to increase his tension, but he stood timidly and turned to face the wall. The man in cell opposite him had said something, and even though his accent was such that it was difficult to know for certain what he had said, he had picked up enough to get a general understanding of the sentence. He felt a pang of guilt when the guard yelled back at him, almost as if it was Rozenn's fault that the other prisoner had been chastised so. The prisoner didn't seem to mind, though. He'd had a sort of easygoing air around him, and knew full well that the guard wouldn't dare to make good on his threat. Or, at least, that he wouldn't be able to. Turning into the wall, Rozenn waited for the guard to do whatever he needed to do, and leave.