#4 Wade just lowered his hands to face the man at a more stronger stance, as he entered through the service door. Wade just stared at the man's face. He only wondered what the man standing before him was motivated by. The man seemed peaceful enough, as he had agreed to join him in the building. There wasn't really any use in resisting, as Wade had no means of grabbing his gun quick enough, it being on a sling behind his back. His hand weapons were in his tool belt that he wore, and accessing them would not be faster than this man raising his firearm and firing. The man broke the silence and, although Wade had listened carefully to everything he had to say, what stuck out the most was the question [i]"Where do we go from here?"[/i] Wade let the silence last a bit longer, before lifting both hands to shoulder level, showing the palms of his hands, and leaving his right hand in the air, while he peeled back his coat with the left. He opened his coat to where the man could see what he carried, and slowly reached into the small interior pocket, pulling out the cylindrical shape of a tin of wintergreen skoal(long cut, his favorite). Wade carefully did so, not making any sudden movements and maintaining eye contact the entire time. He held out his hands with the can of dipping tobacco in his palms and pulled off the lid. "How about a pinch of dip?" It was an odd peace offering, something reminiscent of the peace meetings between warring factions, though, with a can of dip. Wade hoped damn well that the man dipped, or was at least polite, because this would go nowhere fast. "We might discuss our predicaments a little better and compare skills in order to see where we can go from this meeting. But let's do so, over a can of dip." With that, Wade took one pinch out for himself, pulled back his lip and placed it between his lower lip and gums, to demonstrate how to enjoy it, and that it was safe for use. Many people had never even seen a man dip before, and Wade had met many people like that. It all depended on how someone was raised. At least this man's reaction would tell Wade a little about the man's life.