Maria's eyes wandered over the boy, examining him with a hunter's eye. He seemed to have some muscle under his clothes, but he wasn't very tall was he? [i]It would be quite easy to get inside his guard[/i], she thought. From what she had heard of him, he wasn't that spectacular at all. His sister that her grandmother mentioned was the shining star of their family. She wondered why grandmother didn't invite her instead. Quickly though, she dismissed the thought. She had met his sister a few years ago. If Margaret was anything like she was back then, then she was a loud rather annoying girl. Prone to gossip and flirting. [i]Grandmother wouldn't enjoy someone like that in the manor[/i] she though, [i]she much prefers a quiet house[/i]. There weren't many places the hunters were allowed to be rambunctious in the manner, they could go to the pub in town for that. Of course that's where Maria had spent most of her time when she was younger, before she had mellowed out she had been a bit like Margaret. It had taken quiet a few punishments from grand mother before she had mastered her collected facade. Tucking a hair behind her ear, she examined him with a girl's eye. Alexander really looked rather young. It was rather childish really, if it weren't for the muscles. His eyebrows were so bushy it was almost humorous, it made him look a tad older but they mostly looked silly. She smiled a tad wider at the though and it touched her eyes for a moment before they went cold again. His skin was as smooth as a baby's bottom though, he might appear a bit older if her grew some type of beard. Even some stubble would be better than what he had. Somehow she doubted though that he was even capable of doing so. It was dubitable that such smooth skin had come from a shave. "How was the trip from London? I hope that it wasn't too rough on you." She said gently, turning the conversation to him as the subject. It was obvious that he choleric when his sister was brought up, and she was sure that her grandmother noticed.