Luciano was feeling a little nervous as the growls and whines of the beast grew louder and more frequent. He'd only seen things like this on T.V. or read about them in books. But this was so real. So real it was almost fake. He felt like he was in the movies. He had this uneasy feeling that if it were the movies, he'd be just the guy to be the first to die. This idea was extremely unsettling. He looked at the other people in the car. He didn't know a single one of them, but he knew he had to put his faith in them to survive. Likewise, he'd do everything he could to make sure they trusted him. "So... where exactly does this thing live?" he asked, feeling dread and dark anticipation grow as the neared the hills. "Perhaps I should have brought a coat and some boots.... It looks a little muddy out there." Fear was starting to sink in. Even though he'd decided to trust the people around him, he couldn't help but wonder what would happen should they fail. Luciano knew he was being selfish about the situation, but he had joined for the thrill after all, hadn't he? He didn't remember ever thinking of the people in the town. Just his own entertainment.