Ba'al kept his attention split between the beast above and the path ahead, a steady look out for footing, since a tumble down the mountain side was not what he needed right now. And of course, there was danger looming ahead as more and more of those bugs flitted about the thing, it's fur puffing up in the process. That didn't indicate good things, if his knowledge of such affairs was anything to go by. And he was right, as with a roar, the dragon let loose a great burst of electricity in their general direction, forks of lightning twisting and winding in the air, seeking out both him and Sorin. Naturally, like any sane person would do, Ba'al leapt to take cover behind the nearest boulder or corner, rather than be struck by those lightning blasts. To fight the dragon at the top of the mountain would require all his strength, which meant avoiding injury, and it wasn't like there was a Sarcophagus he could heal from. Having avoided injury beyond rock splinters whizzing past, Ba'al took stock of his options. Retreat was feasible, surely, but that would let the thing rain down lightning on them. They could advance, but he didn't think close quarters combat with a dragon was the best idea. He looked to his Zat, before grimacing and looking over to Sorin instead. "I will let you handle this," he called. "The design of my weapon makes it...less than effective against a creature that can absorb electricity." This was true. It would also give him the chance to see Sorin's skills, abilities, and how he fought, which would be useful later.