[b]Archer[/b] Further analysing the situation, it was becoming clear that things were spiralling increasingly out of control--and that the flaming skeleton was a much larger threat than the dragon, both in general and right now. The appearance was, for a start, quite blatantly demonic, the fire reflected magical in origin, and now it had grown to utterly monstrous size. The comparison with Rider was increasingly obvious: if they weren't dealt with [i]now[/i], they were all doomed. The comparison brought to mind another weapon: Harpe, the hooked scythe used to kill the Gorgon herself. An anti-monster divine weapon, it was both extremely relevant to their current opponent and had sufficient reach to be put to use without getting himself crushed by the dragon. Archer appeared to disappear entirely, changing to spirit form to cross the intervening gap without distracting the dragon from her fight--or let the Ghost Rider know he was approaching. The white-haired man returned to physical existence almost within arms' reach of the fighting. "--I am the bone of my sword." The weapon in his hands was a polearm, pure and simple: a hooked edge with its blade pointing towards him, and far weaker in physical power than almost any other weapon he could use, but perfect for this. With a single bone to cut through, it only took one action to pull the blade through the vertebrae. An anti-immortal weapon designed to kill that which would otherwise survive--inflicting wounds that only time and natural recuperation could heal. The flat of the blade was used to knock skull from body as much as possible, and then Archer [i]ran[/i], wanting to get away from the cave whilst the dragon was still occupied with its aggressor. [hider=Important Thing] Posted with GM permission as an IC way of effecting the character's removal from the RP, without a character randomly vanishing or ignoring stated abilities. And Ghost Rider has a [i]lot[/i] of similarities to Fate Medusa in this regard...[/hider]