"How bout a pinch of dip?" Aldo had been watching the man very much like an eagle watches prey before it lunges for the kill, the man kept eye contact with him while he slowly reached into his inner jacket pocket and pulled out a can of American chewing tobacco. It was almost as if this man was aware that perhaps there was something more to Aldo then him just being and old man with a gun the way he carried himself, it was that or perhaps he was weary of the fact that Aldo still had the gun in hand ready to fire and quick movements would be a rather... well bad move in any case. When the tin was offered to Aldo he looked at it for a couple seconds, back in the day he had done chewing tobacco when he was still young man in Italy but he had given it up after a time. In reality he had not touched tobacco products for over twenty five years now, but given the circumstances and the way in which this man offered, Aldo felt like this was some sort of a peace offering or a way to break the ice. The man did certainly seem like what the Americans would refer to as a blue collar type of man, maybe this was the way men such as this one breaks the ice, there still were things in America that Aldo did not know or maybe he was just thinking about this too much. Aldo finally made his decision, reaching forward he took a pinch of the dip and placed it between his lower lip and gums very much like the man before him had. It tasted very much different from the tobacco he had chewed in the day, or perhaps he had just forgotten what chewing tobacco tasted like. After a couple minutes of the tobaccos juices dissolving into his mouth Aldo felt the saliva build up in his mouth, he turned his head slowly and spit some of the saliva out looking back at the man. "Thank you, I can tell that... dip is something that you find... how do Americans say... joy in. It must be hard to come by now and days given the predicament this world finds itself in. You truly do not seem like a bad fellow to me, I always prided myself on being able to read people, so in good faith I will not deceive you. Arlo present yourself." No sooner had Aldo finished his sentence did Arlo open the back door all the way and enter into the front of the station, the Berelli shotgun was still in hand, cradling it in his arms he kept his finger on the trigger but kept the gun pointed in the opposite direction. "This is Arlo, my name is Aldo, what if I may ask should we call you?" Aldo became silent again, pulling Arlo out of hiding was maybe a quick or rash move, but he was confident this man was not going to try anything, he was smart if nothing else and would not try to do something rash. He hoped he was not getting ahead of himself.