[b]Name:[/b] Liriah, Fallen of Aramath (Pronounced: Leer - ee - a) [b]Age:[/b] Appears to be mid to late twenties. [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Liriah][img]https://7chan.org/d/src/13722949772.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Liriah is very calm and gentle in nature. She likes to maintain a composed and relaxed sense of self and portrays this in the way she'll speak and act in situations. She enjoys having deep conversations, especially about philosophy or topics which provoke deeper thinking. She also carries an appreciation for art in all forms and enjoys beautiful scenery. Liriah proves herself useful in crisis situations, often remaining calm and putting her mind into solving a problem rather than focusing on the problem itself. That isn't to say she doesn't know fear, Liriah can become fearful and even intimidated if she's presented with a situation she doesn't think can be won. This will usually result in her faltering in how she presents herself which will be when she looks for friends and those close to her for guidance. Despite her young appearance, Liriah comes across to be wise, often reciting words of wisdom or thought provoking sentences in order to aid the minds of her friends. Some could say she is a little mysterious in some ways, although she makes no attempts to hide herself from those who seek answers from her. Lastly to note is Liriah's temper, while hard to provoke she does have the capacity and will usually lecture or scold the individual who has made her upset. Of course that's providing it's an obvious fault on their part. If it's a difference of opinion she might simply walk away to calm herself down if it becomes heated. [b]History:[/b] Liriah is the remnant of the ancient city of Aramath, told in many different legends to be the city where angelic creatures would await the call of their gods before battle. It's speculated that this city could have been where the stories and symbols of humanities angels could have originated, however it's unclear. What is clear, is that the population of inhabitants might have once taken the forms of what we know to be angels as a massive statue on the edge of the city clearly can be seen clearly depicting the image of what we know from religious texts and lore. Whether these beings were indeed the servants of a god is also unclear, however information and evidence found within the cities walls suggests that these beings were actually more of a nation than a private army to be summoned by the hand of some higher power. According to the official legend, Aramath was built by a god who sought to rid the world of darkness by providing the world with beings who would light the way so that no mortal would ever have to suffer the darkness again. But it seemed the forces of the dark wasn't ready to submit so easily as the city soon came under attack by darkness itself, a war breaking out between light and dark, black and white and good and evil which echoed throughout time itself. It was said that the war lasted no longer than a single year before it came towards it's end and as the story is told, there were four angelic's of light left by the end of the final battle, Acrinoth, Seruni, Rinex and Liriah. Their brothers and sisters had all fallen as the dark surrounded them at all sides, suffocating the city like hands upon the neck of it's victim. Angered by their failure, the gods cursed those who remained before leaving the city to decay and die, the once beautiful city becoming nothing more than another shell for which became another home for the dark. However all of this is legend. Of course you don't [i]really[/i] believe in angels, do you? [b]Items:[/b] Rapier of Valor - "A sword said to be used by an ancient race of angelic beings, it resonates with a warm light that somehow feels comforting, yet distant" Bow of Judgement - "A mysterious bow that resonates with energy, arrows fired from it's string seem to be charged with lightning" Armor of Fate - "A set of armor said to belong to an inhabitant of Aramath due to it's unique markings. The armor set appears to lack a helmet which suggests those who wore them went to battle without one. It seems to be unclear of what material the armor is made from, however the cloth skirt appears to be decorative only" [b]Miracles[/b] Great Heal - Liriah can heal herself and those standing close to her, her body being consumed with light before a warm healing force explodes outwards. Sunlight Spear - Liriah casts a spear of sunlight at enemies. Her arms will usually look to be on fire while she conjures these weapons. Homeward - Liriah can teleport herself and all allies to the last bonfire they rested at. [b]Other:[/b] [hider= Aramath][img]http://www.wallpaperup.com/uploads/wallpapers/2013/07/13/118222/50bce815d2c318e03ec4c4a0509ef7d4.jpg[/img][/hider]