[quote=Galgarion] Name: Alec'ol'eradianAge: 34Species: ChissForce Abilities: Control: Breath Control, Force SpeedSense: Force Listen, PrecognitionAlter: Force DeflectionLightsaber Forms: Soresu:expert Ataru: SkilledNon-Force related Skills: Decent Urban tracking skills, various "underworld" contacts, skilled with blastersWeapons:Customized DL-44 Heavy Blaster, Silver LightsaberHistory Born in 8 ABY Cole (his core name) was raised in the Chiss Ascendancy hearing many great and wondrous tales of Grand Admiral Thrawn and the work he had done to prepare the galaxy for the Yuuzhan Vong Invasion. Inspired by these tales he joined the military branch of the Ascendancy, where he became a rising star in the counter-insurgency area, showing a great natural talent for ferreting out hidden truths, however, at the age of 22 a great shame struck his family and he was forced into exile from the Ascendancy, forced never to return. Heading into the galactic center he discovered that in the wake of the Yuuzhan's invasion, much work was needed for those who could find things that were hidden, and the need to defend oneself was constant. Seemingly perfectly suited for the position, he became a bounty hunter, and over the next 5 years he made a decent name for himself, even beginning to harbor ideas about joining the Mandalore clans. On one particular mission on Coruscant he came across Jedi Master Kyle Katarn, who sensed the force potential in him and, with much work, convinced him to come to the Jedi Temple and undergo the trials. While not showing any exceptional skills during the trials, he passed with enough talent to leave an impression with Master Katarn who took him under his tutelage, and over the past 6 ears progressed through his padawan stage, and has just been declared a Jedi Knight. [/quote] Works for me. Will see what my mate is doing, he might not be able to throw up a sheet for a while due to going back to Uni and if that is the case I'll start.