[hider=Thomas Terence Trager][img]http://i1071.photobucket.com/albums/u505/SaneJahones1995/53892abf-2573-4ecf-8ce4-b582ccec0a1b_zpsb9660c88.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Thomas Terence “T” Trager [b]Date of Birth:[/b] Unknown. Though he looks to be in his mid thirties. [b]Physical Description:[/b] Thomas stands at about 5'8 and weighs around 180lb. He isn't an athlete by any means and a love for the drink make it so even with a lifestyle as active as his tends to be he never really gets truly fit. That's not to say he's fat however, he actually has quite an intimating build; being rather broad and reasonably muscular, at least when it comes to his arms and legs. He is a tad bit chubby but otherwise built rather solidly. Thomas has seemingly always had quite the rugged look. His chocolate brown hair is nearly always messy and he seems to always have a few days worth of stubble. Probably the most distinctive thing about his face though are his eyes. Brown in colour they always seem to look either cold or angry, even when he's smiling and laughing. It can be quite chilling. He also has quite a few distinctive markings. He has a good few tattoos mostly on his arms. These range from a nude warrior woman, to a Lynx cat to Merlin the wizard. Thomas was drunk when most of them were done however so he probably couldn't tell you what they meant to him. Scar wise he is quite decorated. He has been stabbed twice, shot twice and been in more fist fights than he can remember. Literally. One of the stab wounds scarring is on his lower back, the other is a relatively small scar on his stomach. He has one bullet wound scar on his right shoulder and one on his... His ass. Though that is unlikely to be revealed. Literally and figuratively. [b]Job:[/b] Thomas is a drifter and tends to take on whatever small time jobs he can whenever he finds himself stopping for a little while. Often when he cannot find a job quickly he resorts to his criminal knowledge and skill to make money. From bouncer to store clerk, burgler to loan shark, car jacker to drug dealer. If you can make quick money doing it Thomas has probably already done it. [b]Background:[/b] Thomas grew up in a small town in Wales. Well, in actuality it was the largest town in the county but still only had a population of about eight thousand, so it was pretty damn small to anyone from anywhere that isn't Wales. From a very young age Thomas was a trouble maker. He never met his real father and he and his step dad always had what could only be described as a volatile relationship. Certain home problems combined with the boredom of a small town made it so the only fun Thomas ever really had was trouble making. Everything from teenage gang fights, to car jacking and street or rather country racing was fair game, and of course this being Wales hunting was always quite popular as well. At the age of fifteen Thomas' step dad decided to send him off to a military type boarding school. The place was more like a prison to be honest. Thomas never forgave his step dad and had a bit of a hard time forgiving his mother for letting certain things go on. After returning home from the military school a short while later having learned nothing Thomas packed his bags and left home. Over the next few years he did what he could to live day to day. He worked as a farm hand for a while and when he couldn't do that he stole or did something else criminal to make money. Whatever he made though nearly always went to the local pubs and that nearly always lead to either a drunken brawl or a drunken street race. After a few years of this and quite a bit of travelling over to and throughout England he decided he needed a bit of a change. He tried to join the army at first but wasn't allowed in due to way too many criminal convictions. Eventually he ended up travelling to France and joining the Forign Legion where he stayed for the minimum of five years. He obviously passed training and was eventually sent to Africa with his platoon. He had mixed feelings about the lifestyle. He loved the brotherhood and all that good stuff but he missed the relative ease of life back home. When you're leaving rounds to marinate in stinking pig carcesses so they have a better chance of eventually killing your enemies a drunken brawl back in the cold climate of England seems like heaven. After the five years were up Thomas took his pay check and his new French passport and decided... Home didn't seem like such a great idea now. Why did he want to go back to the very crap hole he had joined a borderline freaking mercenary company to escape? Nope, new horizons awaited. After little to no deliberation he decided to head on to America with a friend of his who had also decided to get the hell out after fives years. He didn't even have to take a bullet in the ass for extra encouragement either. America was a pretty damn nice change from both Africa and England but in the end Thomas just fell back into his old routine. He's been travelling the land for years now, taking on legal and illegal jobs whenever he hits some place he kind of likes. The troubles lately have been a dream for him, he has been able to loot and steal with ease. As long as his luck doesn't turn completely shit with the message on a police officers bullets Thomas believes that this whole nation wide panic thing will continue to be good for him. [b]Personality:[/b] It's very difficult to tell whether Thomas is a good or bad person. He's humorous, usually friendly, calm and can seemingly handle every situation with ease if he so chooses. On the other hand though he can be extremely cold and when he feels it's called for or is simply in a bad mood he can be more than a little bit violent as well. He's a cool enough person really but he's also inheritantly selfish. As nice as he can be he lives solely for himself and generally everything he does is for him in one way or another. On the good side of things he is extremely independent and his mental strength is something to behold. Unfortunately once again though his great mental fortitude more than likely stems from his lack of love or passion for anything but himself. All in all Thomas is a good friend to have, just don't put too much faith in him. S: 7 P: 5 E: 7 C: 5 I: 6 A: 5 L: 5[/hider]