Ah, yes filler.. So lovely. I was once in an rp, quite a while ago already, where the other character simply set down and overthought her entire life in chronological order. One sentence of that post applied to my character and involved her saying 'hey.' and looking up. :') Not too fond of stuff like that. I don't mind when characters get lost in their thoughts and stuff like that, but just give me something to work with. Like; if she'd had some agonized expression while thinking of her tragic life, my character would have had something to grab onto. In the same vein; I also don't mind if a character, like hers, is not very social, but as a writer you can at least try to help the plot move forward, right? Personally, if I play a shy character, I always try to give them a reason for having to start some interction; they can be lost for all I care, but I don't want to have them standing about like some bag of sand. I see this stuff quite a lot, mostly on forums where there's this unspoken rule that long posts are an absolute must - even if there simply is hardly anything to post to because the other character has to make a move first - and people almost start competing for length. People sometimes start adding the craziest things to make their posts longer. Haven't encountered that on this site, thankfully.