”You think so?” Whitney asked. Well, maybe they would. The others seemed really strong and they clearly also had experience in fighting for real. The beautiful sky and the fresh air made her feel more hopeful. The dragon monster in the cave started to seem weaker than it had looked in the cave, where it was the only source of light and filled the whole space. It was a bit like Whitney had waked up from nightmare to morning sun, scary memories always felt less scary in the sunlight. “You all clearly know how to fight for your lives”, she said. “So I guess you’re right.” She hated to admit that others could be better fighters than her even in some cases, but she was able to do so as long as it gave her hope. So she managed to stop crying and wiped her tears. “But I really wanted to win it!” she added suddenly. The trainer really hated losing. Well, there was still hope that her surf attack had took the enemy down. Firstly the trainer heard a howl, then an explosion. She felt the earth under her shaking slightly. That howl was nothing like anything she had heard before. It didn’t carry a simple will to fight or a will to not give up, nor was it pain, it carried something darker. It made her tremble from fear. “Did you hear that?” she asked the obvious. “That sounded like it… wants to take someone’s live.”