A broad, sheepish grin spread on Freja's face. She chuckled softly. "I'm fine, really. I'm used to rains much worse and also... cold? You have no idea what cold is, south-European love." She smiled to let Sabriel know that she was half-joking and looked at her colleague with joy. The two very different women had taught last year as well and they had become friends over the year. Freja listened with interest to Sabriel's short story, the smile never leaving her face. "Wellwellwell, you sure had an interesting summer now, didn't you?" She smirked as they walked down the hallways together. "Rome, geez you spoiled kid. I want to go there sometime as well. But well, what can I say? They don't pay us enough to go to a city as expensive as Rome. I had a good summer though." Her smile turned rather grim as she continued to talk. "I just traveled the British Isles, like usually. Back-pack style so I had to deal with some fabulous rain. Oh, and I lost my tent in a particularly heavy rainstorm about a week ago. That at least made it easier to walk around, but sleeping on muddy ground with a rock for a pillow was a bit too much for a whole week. Therefore I spent the last two days in this cute little B&B, owned by a really sweet elderly couple. They recently lost their son, you know, tragic incident, they suspect it was a sudden stroke... And well..You know... I had done a job during my trip... I recognized his face from the pictures. He left two lovely parents, a wife and three kids. What are the odds, huh?" Freja quickly swallowed and clenched her teeth together. Taking lives itself wasn't hard on her, not anymore. But if she saw their face... No doubt this one would take especially long before he'd stop bothering her at night.