Trains. Adi had finally decided she hated trains. The way they rattled against steel, the way her long hair kept frizzing up at the static electricity that split around them like flies on rubbish, the way it blew dust and made everything grey. She got on the last train inbound to Tokyo-3. Seemed to be an unpopular destination these days. She saw several people leaving the train carrying bags and ashen faces, like refugees leaving a warzone. The train was empty, and even though it stopped in several places, nobody got on to Tokyo-3. Adi pulled out her comb and tried to readjust her hair, Something about the simple act of running the plastic teeth through her hair and scratching her scalp calmed her down. "Next stop, Tokyo-3..." She glanced out of the window, and at the city. It was a nightmare in chrome plating. Inelegant towers jutted out of the ground like the teeth of some great almighty being. One tooth was crooked. Around it were cranes, and dozens of ant-sized men. Even from this moving vantage point, she could see the commotion and panic that was engulfing that place before a passing tunnel decided to swallow the train whole, plunging the cabin into sudden darkness. Adi wondered if that had been one of the famous Eva Units she'd seen, for the briefest of seconds, imprinted on that building like a cartoon character and being attended to by all those labourers. This was her stop, wasn't it? She needed to get up. Adi gathered her things and fought against her own inertia of the stopping train to stand outside the door, It opened into an underground base, and a unfriendly man in an unfriendly grey uniform was the only one around. He walked over. Apparently he was sent by NERV, to take her to where she needed to go. Out of blind panic, she followed the man to his car, a small grey machine with dashboard lights he told her "Weren't reading the right things." They never went outside, but travelled in tunnels and warehouses to their destination. She got out when the car stopped and was pushed into a door she hadn't noticed in the gloom. She blinked. Inside was somewhat light, like an airport waiting room, or the reception to a grand hotel. She felt out of place. Chairs lined the walls, and some of them help boys. One looked bookish, and was even reading to pass the time. The title was in English. The other just looked tired, relaxing in his chair like he owned the whole bank of them. Both of them were white, caucasians. "Erm..." She began, awkwardly noting how the sound echoed in the large space. "Hello? Is this the right place?" She turned, but the NERV agent who'd brought her here hadn't followed her in. the door she'd walked in from was shut. She took a seat, hands clasped in front of her, playing with her fingers.