The great monster benched a stream of lightning at Sorin and the System Lord, though sorin was already quite prepared for this. He had sensed a strong Red mana signature from the creature, and anticipated such an attack. Drawing his sword with supernatural quickness, he parried the bolts of electricity. Rather than being deflected, though, the lightning was consumed by the Parasite Blade, sucked intothe void of its shape. The System Lord scrambled for cover behind a rock, and pleaded Sorin to take care of the monster himself. Sorin's only response was to look at him with an expression half a smile and half a sneer. So this was his game, was it? Sorin knew better than to think the man a coward, but two could play at this. "Very well, System Lord, I will save your frail skin from this overgrown bugaboo." He said, not taking his eyes off of said bugaboo, "Watch and take note of why only the worthy should venture beyond their own Plane." Sorin summoned a few minions to distract the monstrr while he continued to charge his spell. Strafing away from the cliff face, Black mana coalesced into the forms of three nondescript, identical [url=]vampires[/url]. Each hissed and drew their own blades, before rushing at the beast in ravenous fury. They would each grow stronger as they sucked the blood from the monster, though they were not particularly strong to begin with. Rather than deplete, the mass of mana building in Sorin's free hand grew larger. Evidently, the presence of his Black summons was more closely attuning the area around him to Black mana, allowing the spell to charge more quickly. Perhaps a Red spell would have been more easily cast in such an environment, but Sorin left that sort of thing to the unthinking savages and devils that Red mana bore.