[hider=Scenario #3] [b]Scenario:[/b] [url=https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@41.899894,-88.0159046,238m/data=!3m1!1e3]East Sunset Avenue[/url] [b]Scenario Type:[/b] Open [b]Scenario Post Frequency: [/b] At least 1 per 48 hours, or I ask for GM’s approval on DayZing your char ‘n looting his/her stuff. [b]Max Players:[/b] 3 [b]Current Players:[/b] SyrianHamster, Dragonbud [b]Loot Level:[/b] Moderate [b]Walker Density:[/b] Heavy. [b]Bandits:[/b] Possible.[/hider] [hider=Hannah’s Group] [b]Members:[/b] Hannah Banks, Camellia Morgan, [s]Woodrow Hepburn[/s], Oskar Rennold. [b]Weapon Pool:[/b] M14 (1 x 11), M4A1 CQCR (1 x 30), Winchester Model 70 (x20) [b]Equipment Pool:[/b] Apache helmet, military radio, 2 x can of baked beans, box of stale bran flakes, map of Chicago, protein mix, car battery. [b]Location:[/b]CDC Safe Zone[/hider] The horde were a couple hundred yards off at best, gathering strength with every collective step. More walkers were merging with it, riled up by the commotion, and they poured into the flanks in endless streams from houses and driveways. Hannah needed a strategy, but truth be told, there was nothing for it. She had thirty bullets, and so the best she could do would be to slay thirty of her enemy. Then it’d be down to close quarters combat, and judging by Woody’s fate, that wasn’t an effective countermeasure. “How’s that HUMVEE, Oskar?” She called back towards the church, hoping beyond hope that they had a way out of there. Oskar had already gotten the hood of the hulking green military vehicle open, and was busy routing around the interior. Camellia lay nearby, moaning with her badly injured leg; it was a serious wound, and one that needed treatment. Setting the obviously shattered bone could wait until later, but for now, infection was a strong possibility. “Kylie,” he said, taking a break from the bonnet to look at the girl. “It was Kylie wasn’t it?” he asked, but didn’t wait for an answer. “I noticed you’re limping. Show me the injury, if you would. I need to know it’s not a, er, how do you say? Zombie bite?”