Gabriel looked at the human and bowed his head slightly [b]"Angels are always to help humans but many years ago many angels seemed to have hated humans all the more and father is greatly displeased by this action. But he can't stop it without help so I fallowed him, pure and straight and true. Humans are born to fallow and some are born to lead, many are born in bad back rounds and many commit unspeakable crims. But I still see humans even done all that as something amazing. I was born to only see the good in the world not the evil or the parts where god never touched. I can see the faith and love in everyone's heart but even these who completely lost never do"[/b] He said slowly and looked down slightly seeing and remembering when lucifer had war and all. he sighed gently and smiles [b]"so i help humans now leading them to happier places and being there for them in times of need[b] He finished slowly looking at him gently. Gabriel eyes where slightly hurt from his own memories. Venom blinked as his master was gone so he nodded slowly and smiles gently as he looked aroudn thinking on what to do about this human boy. Oh what cruel ideas popped into his head, what awful and brilltaint plan had formed easily but he kept rethinking it and eyes closed gently. He kept Hell running smoothly and smiles gently and growled as some demons complained about something and rolled his eyes. he paced slightly kept thinking about this plan till it was bullet proof and grinned gently. All he had to do was wait for the human to be at his weakest point, away from the archangel.