Kylie relaxed visibly when Oskar believed her. She was telling the truth, she trusted Oskar enough to do this. She wasn't sure why she trusted him so much, as he had also run off with Hannah when Camella was trapped. No matter. Trust was important. This was a bit of a problem however, because while she trusted Oskar she did not trust Hannah. She seemed like the dictator type of ruler. Kylie leaned closer to Oskar, her voice hushed. "Thank you for believing me. Other people probability wouldn't have taken the risk of someone who looks like they are bitten." She looked over at her shoulder at Hannah before turning again to face Oskar. "If you would...could you keep this between us? I would greatly appreciate it." She looked down at Camella when she moaned, frowning at her pain. She nodded to Oskar. "I can do that. I'll be as quick as I can. Good luck with the car." And with that, and a machete in her hands, Kylie got low and got quiet. She krept as quietly as possible towards the barrier around the church, finding the lowest point to carefully step over. Once she was over she looked back over towards Oskar before entering through the front door of the church. She allowed her eyes to adjust to the darkness of the interior, too scared to even breathe, She didn't want to alert the dead. It was silent inside. The stone walls kept out the sounds of the outside world. Kylie almost felt peaceful. She shook the drowsiness from her head. She had a task to complete. The church had clearly been used by a group for awhile, and looked pretty cleaned out. Kylie began to dig through the mess all over the floor, frantically looking for something to use as bandages. She knew she had some in her backpack, but it wouldn't be nearly enough. Soon Kylie's hopes were answered, underneath an old sleeping mat, caked with blood, was a med kit. The white cross standing out from the filthy box. Kylie set down her machete, looking around once more before opening the box. She smiled, it not only held some rolls of bandages, but also a bottle of what looked like hydrogen peroxide. It could be used to clean the wound. Kylie shook the bottle, glad to hear some liquid sloshing around inside. Trying to wrap up her search, she found a bottle of pills of which their purpose was not known to Kylie. She kept them just in case. She was hoping to come across something for a splint, but nothing inside the church seemed to be useful. Hopefully what she found would be enough. Right before she was about to leave, one final thing caught her attention. A package of batteries, and there was only one left. Kylie tried to contain her excitement as she pocketed the battery, picking up her machete and heading out of the church. As she stood in the doorway of the church she looked out towards Oskar, giving him a tiny wave. She did not notice the zombie behind her, his moans blending into the sounds of the herd.