Still lost in her thoughts Jenny startled when something landed on her lap. She looked down at the bread and then at her brother. His face showed nothing, but a twinkle in his eye told her that he was probably laughing inside. She gave him a warm and appreciative smile and put the bread to her mouth. The necklace was now lying on her knees. Whilst chewing on the hard bread she thought about what would happen with it now. They were either going to sell the necklace to Johnny or keep it to be put it in Flint’s treasure. Since real coins were more valuable to them than jewelry they would probably sell it sooner or later. Streetrats don’t need pretty things. She didn’t like this thought but tried to make peace with it. So she put it away and finished eating the last piece of dry bread. Then, to get her mind off of the firebird, she got up and started cleaning up the mess. Scraps of paper were lying everywhere and the cardboard boxes had to be rearranged. The cold wind had found ways through the make-shift walls and was disturbing the fire. Whether it was because of the weather or due to other visitors of the hideout she couldn’t tell, but she found that this place needed a little organizing from time to time. After a while she gave up and decided that this had to do for now. It was less windy and the flames were calmer now. Also it seemed like the rain was letting up. The world turned quiet again. Paul was still sitting near the fire so she went over to him and asked: “So, what now?” He didn’t react so she went on. “We have to refill the food storage. Or do you wanna go to Johnny’s first?” She frowned at that but immediately replaced it with a neutral face.