[u][i]Shannon Jacqueline Balore.[/i][/u] Shannon was starting to get bored, walking, all by herself. Looking for a place to sit and finding no where. There were so many people here, she even spotted Deborah talking to Vera, and decided not to approach (Shannon and Vera weren't on the best of all terms). She just spotted someone else sitting down, yes, another returning student. She swore that she had seen him before... The big Cajun guy, she thinks his name is Morrison. Well, only one way to find out, yes? Shannon sat down on the chair, right across from him. "Hello, your name is Morrison, correct? We might have been in a few classes together if [i]you[/i] remember the name [i]Shannon Balore[/i]." [u][i]Jake & Gabe Valos.[/i][/u] Someone just sat down on the table. Just when they wanted a nice breakfast of being ignored. Then again, they can just never have[i] nice[/i] things. "... Free country, lad." Gabe merely said in response to Sam sitting down. Hmph, this kid looked fake as all hell. Like a lame Greaser. It'd be interesting to see where this goes... If this brat doesn't annoy her, that is. If so, they'll just immediately leave the table. She [i]doesn't[/i] want a repeat of yesterday. "Yeah, go ahead." Jake said, he had the same sentiments about Sam that Gabe did, but he was going to be open minded, and do the same thing he does regarding Lynn, give him the benefit of the doubt. He continued eating, before pausing. "I think we forgot something, sister." "What?" Gabe says "[i]... In-tro-ductions.[/i]" Jake says with a smirk, "I'm [i]Jake Valos[/i], and this is my twin, [i]Gabe Valos[/i]. We have a little brother running around...." Jake's eyes went in the direction of Henry's table, apparently another girl just walked up, "... But, he's doing his own thing. But, yeah, we're all new here. Your name?" Another pair of people walked up. One looked like a total nerd (Asian too, like, isn't there a stereotype about that), and the other looked Irish (Gabe was totally going to make a potato joke later). The kind of people that annoyed them. The nerdo asked who they are. Gabe snorted loudly. "... Mass murders, Psychopaths, [i]Corporate Lawyers[/i] - You know, everything [i]nice[/i] and [i]fun[/i] about the world!" Gabe sarcastically replied to them. Rolling his eyes, Jake leaned in in front of Gabe, properly introducing themselves, "... Jake and Gabe Valos. Nice to meet you two, too. " [u][i]Amanda Daisy Blackmore.[/i][/u] "You're not my personal [i]slave[/i], you're my personal [i]Butt-slave. Get it right[/i]." Amanda took her feet down from the table, and groaned at Red. Amanda pushed the waffles aside, Red has passed her test with [i]flying[/i] colors. She knew that she had him wrapped around her finger. The monologue about her only got her to roll her eyes out of annoyance. [i]So Red still tries to be clever? I'll have to quash that.[/i] "Look, Red, I don't like boys, I like [i]men[/i]. This kid looks scrawny as all fuck. Grow a few inches, age a few years, and let that donger drop, and [i]maybe[/i] I'll give you a try." Amanda said to both her little boys. "And Butt-slave, I would recommend that you don't get snippy with your [i]Mistress[/i]. I might have to take you to my room and [i]punish[/i] you." [u][i]Dana Lucille Alcott, & Jaska Din Valos.[/i][/u] Aislin sat down and Jaska was the first to notice her. Well, for her scent and other features. He looked at her for a moment. He came to one conclusion: she was a pretty lady. "Oh, hiiii, pretty lady." He said to her, with a cheery smile. "I'm Jaska." He introduced himself, bowing his head, and sweeping a wing out like it was a cape. He reverted to a neutral stance "I didn't see the sunrise, yet, but, I want to go explore the jungle. Now that looks [i]pretty[/i]." He sat down, and rested his tail on the table, and wrapped it around his body. Dana smiled and said, "Sure, this table's open to everyone." She looked at Aislin and took in her appearance. Preppy, short hair, smooth skin, good looking, yes. She seems kind, and that was all Dana sees in a person.  "I'm [i]Dana,[/i] nice to meet you." She introduced herself. "You're new here? Oh, that's good. I'm one of the few [i]Full[/i] students here, and I have seen so many great things here. More than just the sunset." Dana took a sip out of her drink, "You should go see the jungle at some point." She smiled, "It's truly beautiful." [u][i]Sylvia Lana Bertoose, & Valjean Vaseal.[/i][/u] Yawn, yet another day. Valjean was long gone his room by the time Chris (And by extension, everyone else) had awoken. He went straight to the gym. He didn't have such a great body for nothing! He needed to be above these weaklings that inhabit the school. He was lifting weights, he can bench a lot. It's expected for a man his size. He was wearing his workout clothes a tank top, black gym shorts, and white sneakers with headphones in his ears connected to an iPod. It hugged his frame and showed a lot of his body. He was finished, and put his weights away. He sat on the side of the bench and grabbed a towel, and brushed his face off. Well, better go grab something to eat, then get dressed. By the time he's done, class should be better. All sound in the room went dead. Absolute silence. Jean couldn't even hear himself think. That means... A loud humming filled the room, there was no other sounds than the humming. Which masked Sylvia's approach into the room. "Jean Valjean... I thought I smelled [i]testosterone[/i] and excessive pride." She taunted with a toothy smile. She was wearing a paper-white dress, tight jeans, cowboy boots, and a black beret. She had her guitar strapped behind her back. "You..." Valjean narrowed his eyes and stared directly at Sylvia. This girl was one of the few people that beat him in the arena. That was [i]reprehensible[/i]. "... What do you want?" Valjean dryly spat out. "Oh, I thought we were chill?" Sylvia said, with a sarcastic smile, shrugging. "I heard you were causin' trouble. Picking on the new kids. Tsk, tsk, tsk..." She wagged her finger back and forth, "Stop picking on the worms, and fight someone [i]you know[/i] who actually can fight. Unless you're such a bitch about win-streak of yours that you're scared to..." Valjean groaned, "Look here, bitch." He spat out, he had already began his transformation into a scorpion. His body was being covered in a tough tan exoskeleton, and a massive scorpion stinger sprung from his lower-back, and his hands turned into pinchers. "I'm not afraid of nothing! And I won't lose! You came here to talk, but now, you came here to get your ass kicked." He pounded his pincers together. "Chiiiilll macho-man." Sylvia was unphased - in fact, she was downright amused, "You always do this routine where you try to fight to look like a badass, but then you back off like the obedient little doggy you are the second a teacher steps in." Sylvia shrugged again, "Either way, you [i]know[/i] that shell is worthless against my power." "Ugh, whatever. What's your point, bitch?" Valjean immediately began to shed his exoskeleton. It simply peeled off his body and dropped onto the floor. "What [i]I'm[/i] saying is that you should drop the macho man routine, Jean. It's starting to get... [i]annoying[/i]." Sylvia shrugged, "You're going to cross the line and when that happens... bets are off, and someone will [i]gladly[/i] take the first chance return the favor." Sylvia shrugged again, turning away from Jean, and tipped her hat. "Whether it's me, Henry... And so on. Bye!" Sylvia immediately dashed off. Using her power to enhance her movement speed. Oh really? Who would be ballsy enough to step to Valjean after he 'crosses the line'? A fool, that's who. Valjean blew a puff of air out of his mouth. He left his exoskeleton on the ground, someone was going to pick it up. He was finished here, so he walked straight out the door of the gym, with his towel over his shoulder. Valjean went into the cafeteria, and spotted all sorts of people, he would assess them later, he went to the line, and grabbed a tray of food. He ate eggs, some fruits, and brought his protein shake. As he tried to find a table, he saw Sam... Fresh meat, and whom he'll be dueling, talking to two kids he didn't care about. He smirked, he decided to give Sam a little reminder as he walked by his talk, grinning ear to ear at him. When Valjean was past him, he couldn't help but chuckle. This kid's going to get so [i]wrecked[/i] when they fight in the arena tonight. Other than that, he couldn't find anyone else to really talk to. Sylvia skipped into the cafeteria after Jean did. She felt like screwing with him some more, but honestly held off on it. There's people watching after all. So she just merrily skipped into the line, got some real food (Omlets, french toast, bacon) and headed to a table. The second she arrived at a table, she put her guitar on the table, before digging in.