Continuing to search through the labyrinth of texts Dante managed to find a small notebook. Picking it up he opened it allowing a small piece of paper fall out from between the pages and land on the cabin floor. Curious as to what it was Dante picked it up and turned it over to reveal a highly detailed drawing of a chalice and dagger: the chalice was made of obisidian and held a strange rose red liquid inside it, he could only guess it was blood. Even stranger was that from the picture the blood was depicted to glow as if a light shined from within. The dagger on the other hand was quite different in appearance than the chalice, the blade was made of what looked to be gold with a pure white hilt. The pommel had a diamond fixed inside it and was adorned with intricate carvings along the blade. "...what the hell am I looking at",he said to himself. It was a nice picture and all but meant nothing if he didn't know what it meant. "Maybe the notebook has something", he concluded as he opened it only to find it was written in the vampiric language. "Of course! A language I barely can read", he said as he slammed his fist into the desk. "...well let's see what I can make of this", he said flipping through the pages. As he read he could only make out, "The blood of mortal and kin alike...the blade of holy sacrifice....corruption of the shadows create....the ultimate child of the night" Dante put the notebook back where he found it but kept the picture. He left the cabin and made his way to the others.