[quote=Apokalipse] Picking one at random and crossing her fingers, Effie bent down and struggled to put her pick into the lock. Every few seconds she would twitch her hand and little snaps would be heard. Finally, the door opened and it was revealed that nobody was in there, to Effie's relief. And so she kicked the door behind her, stashed a knife under her pillow and mattress, and closed the window. She didn't bother undressing and instead fell flat into the bed, praying that nobody would get the key to her room. [/quote] Katherin listened to sounds of the others. She was worried that most of them seemed to be mercenaries. She had traveled with a few mercenaries over the years but she tried to avoid them because you couldn't really trust them. She would have to stay on her guard during this quest. After awhile she took up her can and headed up the stairs. She carefully made her way up to her room. She breathed a sigh of relief as she closed the door. She sat on the bed and began to get undressed.