[hider=Scenario #3] [b]Scenario:[/b] [url=https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@41.899894,-88.0159046,238m/data=!3m1!1e3]East Sunset Avenue[/url] [b]Scenario Type:[/b] Open [b]Scenario Post Frequency: [/b] At least 1 per 48 hours, or I ask for GM’s approval on DayZing your char ‘n looting his/her stuff. [b]Max Players:[/b] 3 [b]Current Players:[/b] SyrianHamster, Dragonbud [b]Loot Level:[/b] Moderate [b]Walker Density:[/b] Heavy. [b]Bandits:[/b] Possible.[/hider] [hider=Hannah’s Group] [b]Members:[/b] Hannah Banks, Camellia Morgan, [s]Woodrow Hepburn[/s], Oskar Rennold. [b]Weapon Pool:[/b] M14 (1 x 11), M4A1 CQCR (1 x 30), Winchester Model 70 (x20), Heavy Duty Tyre Wrench [b]Equipment Pool:[/b] Apache helmet, military radio, 2 x can of baked beans, box of stale bran flakes, map of Chicago, protein mix, car battery. [b]Location:[/b]CDC Safe Zone[/hider] "No problem," replied Oskar, smiling at Kylie briefly. "And do not worry; I do not stir the cauldron of shit. That [i]woman[/i] over there is on edge as it is, but she is good at what she does, and I have stuck by her this long because of that. I want to find my family, and that power hungry feminine warrior over there is my best bet of doing so." He watched Kylie walk off into the church, thinking for a moment to give her his rifle- no, he needed it. What if he couldn't get the car working? The rifle was his only means of defence. Shifting around to the HUMVEE's rear, he was relieved to see the spare tyre still mounted up and in good condition. The jack was secured inside the rim, and he was grateful that the American military were so organised. In Poland, more often than not, if an army vehicle broke down, then there was a fifty-fifty chance of there being no spare parts to fix it with. That was of course, when Poland still had an army. Within five minutes, he'd jacked the six tonne monster on one side, and had the busted tyre off. He'd found the tyre wrench nearby, embedded in the skull of a badly decomposed corpse, which was an essential albeit grizzly blessing. He was halfway into positioning the spare when he glimpsed Kylie waving at him from the church, and he smiled back at her, confident that she had found something for the ailing Camellia. "Hold on Cam," he said, "we'll fix you up." "Don't bet on it," she wheezed. "Prolly just get you killed too anyway, may as well just leave me." "Oh Cam," Oskar had said, not wanting to entrench her guilt over Woody. He looked back at Kylie as a way of ending the conversation - and saw a shadow moving behind her. Hannah was quick with her weapon, having been through basic training before the outbreak, and having used it several times since. Oskar on the other hand, whilst a keen huntsman back in his native land, was no soldier. His rifle, secured around his shoulder by its strap, tried to choke him as he attempted to bring it around. "Fuc- KYLIE LOOK OUT!" He yelled, floundering in getting his weapon up in time.