Jack thought for some moments upon the question before answering it to the best he can. "I don't think we should give out all of our info , things should be private. Everyone is curious about the next person which is natural. I have a list built up in regards to who I personally will give wide birth. " He tells him. "The one with the dagger is one , the very clingy one... she seems off in my book so she's in that category too. Mr snorlax over there I can't get a proper read on , I'll need time on his analysis..." He said with a finger out pointed up and eyes still closed. "But they overall are no threat and can be ignored." He says before he put on a serious tone. "I can tell you , were not here coincidentally. We were summoned for a purpose. The one's who score a more potential enemy is nerv." He says still pointing up , yet the very last digit of his finger was pointed in a different direction , seemingly at nothing but in reality a cleverly hidden camera. "I'm sure they can hear every word we say , translate all known language." He says ever so slightly emphasizing known. "And have eyes on us even when you think your completely alone. " He says lowering his finger. "Alas right now it won't really matter." He says as he began to slowly eat the fruit.