Name: Groot Garuk. Age 17 Gender Male Universe : OC universe. Appearance : Sorta take natsu dragenel, make him a good 9 inches taller, thinner, give him short curly brown hair, grey piercing eyes, and being entirely covered in runic tattoos. Now put him in a a cross between a hazmat suit, and a mage's robes. Powers: Mineral conversion: Using his bare right hand, Groot can turn anything to gold, slowly overtime. On organic targets, unless totally converted, they will slowly change back. It is pure gold, meaning it is able to be molded by hand, and isn't at all good for armor. Alchemic knowledge: Groot is also a alchemist, having a seemingly infinite supply of ingrediants to create potions, ranging from bombs, to a simple bottle of magic booze to get drunk with. Alchemic accident: experiment gone wrong. Groot was infused with many alchemic signs, causing him to have random reactions, which may be but is not limited to : Exploding, creating a gas that makes people act like flowers, turning into a pickle, turns everything around him into gold for a few moments, and many many more things! Gear: His hazmat robes, giving him protection against airborn gas attacks, and chemical sprays. He also has a seemingly unlimited amount of flasks (he creates then out of stones he finds about, so he does seem to have a nearly infinite supply.) and a stick of chalk, for mundane transmutations, like turning rocks into flasks or more chalk. A little history: A alchemist by trade, a hero by hobby, Groot searches for his fortune, and fame....until his experiment managed to kill his best friend, his brother, and his love all at the same time. This, destroyed him, in a sense. Made him a broken, in the bowels of hell, he feels as if he belongs there, for his folly. Personality : Dejected, depressed, and over all a killjoy mc rain cloud, expect him to kill all fun around him, with aggression and effectiveness.